Houston Babies

Traditional high chair or space saver?

Here's the particular space saver I'm considering.  I hadn't heard of this as an option until recently though so I thought I'd see if there are some Moms around here who have chosen this or a similar option.  What do you think?


Thank you!

Re: Traditional high chair or space saver?

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    We have one like this and we love it.  It takes up no extra space and it is easy to unhook it and bring it somewhere if needed (we bring it to family get togethers).  I know a lot of people that have been happy with it too. It can also convert into a booster chair which is nice too.
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    This is the route we decided to go and all of my close friends have done the same and seem to be happy with it. 
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    We have it and love it. We have even traveled (by car) with it a few times. It makes feeding time that much easier when he's strapped into his familiar chair in some random place.
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    I used the space saver for both kids and have been happy.  We lived in small places and I couldn't imagine a separate high chair taking up room.  The only downside is when you're entertaining and it takes up a chair that guests could use.  
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    we had a regular one and switched to a space saver. it was so much better i'd never go back to regular.
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    we had a regular one and switched to a space saver. it was so much better i'd never go back to regular.


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    we had a regular one and switched to a space saver. it was so much better i'd never go back to regular.


    We have liked ours too.  But I LOVE having this one as well.  The clean up is much easier and it takes up even less space and it's super easy to pack up and take somewhere.  Only bad thing is it doesn't recline,which I used a lot when we first started.  I'm about to switch to the smaller one for all the time now.   

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    I am going to be the odd man out.  We have both types, and I really like our HC.  I almost didn't get our HC out of the box, and was going to sell it, but DH insisted that we should.    We fed him first in the Rainforest Booster chair.  It was fine, but I felt like it just wasn't that comfortable, and he was really low.  The HC is padded all around, and I can just take the cover off and throw it in the wash (it says to spot clean only, but I throw it in the washing machine on gentle and have never had a problem!). 

    I can roll the HC very easily over to where I am in the kitchen, so DS can watch me.  And it doesn't take up a chair, so when we have company over, we aren't doing musical chairs.  Clean up is easy b/c ours has removable tops, so we can take it to the sink and wash it quickly. They also have a large food area with a big lip all around, so most food stays on the top (unless he starts throwing!).  I also like the recline feature.  Sometimes, if he is eating late, I can tell he's getting tired, and lay him back to drink his milk.

    I was surprised to like our HC better, honestly, but we also don't have one of the cushy space savers - just the plastic one, so maybe that would make a difference.

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    I am going to be the odd man out.  We have both types, and I really like our HC.  I almost didn't get our HC out of the box, and was going to sell it, but DH insisted that we should.    We fed him first in the Rainforest Booster chair.  It was fine, but I felt like it just wasn't that comfortable, and he was really low.  The HC is padded all around, and I can just take the cover off and throw it in the wash (it says to spot clean only, but I throw it in the washing machine on gentle and have never had a problem!). 

    I can roll the HC very easily over to where I am in the kitchen, so DS can watch me.  And it doesn't take up a chair, so when we have company over, we aren't doing musical chairs.  Clean up is easy b/c ours has removable tops, so we can take it to the sink and wash it quickly. They also have a large food area with a big lip all around, so most food stays on the top (unless he starts throwing!).  I also like the recline feature.  Sometimes, if he is eating late, I can tell he's getting tired, and lay him back to drink his milk.

    I was surprised to like our HC better, honestly, but we also don't have one of the cushy space savers - just the plastic one, so maybe that would make a difference.

    We love our HC for the same reasons listed above.  But to make it even better, the top of our HC pops off and is basically a space saver so we can bring it out of town with us easily, but still have a HC for at home.

    After 2 years and 6 IUIs, we did it with IVF w/ ICSI!
    BFP with no treatment!
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    I am going to be the odd man out.  We have both types, and I really like our HC.  I almost didn't get our HC out of the box, and was going to sell it, but DH insisted that we should.    We fed him first in the Rainforest Booster chair.  It was fine, but I felt like it just wasn't that comfortable, and he was really low.  The HC is padded all around, and I can just take the cover off and throw it in the wash (it says to spot clean only, but I throw it in the washing machine on gentle and have never had a problem!). 

    I can roll the HC very easily over to where I am in the kitchen, so DS can watch me.  And it doesn't take up a chair, so when we have company over, we aren't doing musical chairs.  Clean up is easy b/c ours has removable tops, so we can take it to the sink and wash it quickly. They also have a large food area with a big lip all around, so most food stays on the top (unless he starts throwing!).  I also like the recline feature.  Sometimes, if he is eating late, I can tell he's getting tired, and lay him back to drink his milk.

    I was surprised to like our HC better, honestly, but we also don't have one of the cushy space savers - just the plastic one, so maybe that would make a difference.

    I'm going to agree. We have the same high chair in a different color (and our seat cover is fabric not vinyl) and I really like it. We used a space saver and I felt like DS was too low and I just didn't think he looked comfortable. The Chicco HC folds up pretty small and I throw our seat cover in the wash about once a week and haven't had any problems with it at all.

    I also like that I can roll it and move it to where I'm at in the house. Sometimes if I'm in a rush getting ready I can put DS in the high chair with a snack or some toys and bring him into my bedroom and get ready and not have to worry about him running willy nilly all over the house. 

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    We have a space saver (not that one) but we haven't put it out yet.  I got it because our table is bar-high, so a regular high chair would sit lower to the ground than we do.  I keep telling DH every weekend we need to pull it out since C is eating cereal, loves to sit with us while we eat dinner and is outgrowing the bouncer...still hasn't happened though.
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    I am going to be the odd man out.  We have both types, and I really like our HC.  I almost didn't get our HC out of the box, and was going to sell it, but DH insisted that we should.    We fed him first in the Rainforest Booster chair.  It was fine, but I felt like it just wasn't that comfortable, and he was really low.  The HC is padded all around, and I can just take the cover off and throw it in the wash (it says to spot clean only, but I throw it in the washing machine on gentle and have never had a problem!). 

    I can roll the HC very easily over to where I am in the kitchen, so DS can watch me.  And it doesn't take up a chair, so when we have company over, we aren't doing musical chairs.  Clean up is easy b/c ours has removable tops, so we can take it to the sink and wash it quickly. They also have a large food area with a big lip all around, so most food stays on the top (unless he starts throwing!).  I also like the recline feature.  Sometimes, if he is eating late, I can tell he's getting tired, and lay him back to drink his milk.

    I was surprised to like our HC better, honestly, but we also don't have one of the cushy space savers - just the plastic one, so maybe that would make a difference.

    I'm going to agree. We have the same high chair in a different color (and our seat cover is fabric not vinyl) and I really like it. We used a space saver and I felt like DS was too low and I just didn't think he looked comfortable. The Chicco HC folds up pretty small and I throw our seat cover in the wash about once a week and haven't had any problems with it at all.

    I also like that I can roll it and move it to where I'm at in the house. Sometimes if I'm in a rush getting ready I can put DS in the high chair with a snack or some toys and bring him into my bedroom and get ready and not have to worry about him running willy nilly all over the house. 

    (just fyi) Ooppss - didn't look at the link.  Ours is not vinyl, either - it's some sort of cloth, so that is why I put is in the wash.  If it was vinyl, I think I would be leary of putting it in the machine - of course, you wouldn't have a reason to if you could just wipe it clean.

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    I am going to be the odd man out.  We have both types, and I really like our HC.  I almost didn't get our HC out of the box, and was going to sell it, but DH insisted that we should.    We fed him first in the Rainforest Booster chair.  It was fine, but I felt like it just wasn't that comfortable, and he was really low.  The HC is padded all around, and I can just take the cover off and throw it in the wash (it says to spot clean only, but I throw it in the washing machine on gentle and have never had a problem!). 

    I can roll the HC very easily over to where I am in the kitchen, so DS can watch me.  And it doesn't take up a chair, so when we have company over, we aren't doing musical chairs.  Clean up is easy b/c ours has removable tops, so we can take it to the sink and wash it quickly. They also have a large food area with a big lip all around, so most food stays on the top (unless he starts throwing!).  I also like the recline feature.  Sometimes, if he is eating late, I can tell he's getting tired, and lay him back to drink his milk.

    I was surprised to like our HC better, honestly, but we also don't have one of the cushy space savers - just the plastic one, so maybe that would make a difference.

    I'm going to agree. We have the same high chair in a different color (and our seat cover is fabric not vinyl) and I really like it. We used a space saver and I felt like DS was too low and I just didn't think he looked comfortable. The Chicco HC folds up pretty small and I throw our seat cover in the wash about once a week and haven't had any problems with it at all.

    I also like that I can roll it and move it to where I'm at in the house. Sometimes if I'm in a rush getting ready I can put DS in the high chair with a snack or some toys and bring him into my bedroom and get ready and not have to worry about him running willy nilly all over the house. 

    (just fyi) Ooppss - didn't look at the link.  Ours is not vinyl, either - it's some sort of cloth, so that is why I put is in the wash.  If it was vinyl, I think I would be leary of putting it in the machine - of course, you wouldn't have a reason to if you could just wipe it clean.

    Do you have the Adventure color? A friend of mine has the one you linked to (I think it's Discovery) and her's is an easily wiped off vinyl. When I opened mine (Adventure- it's fabric) I was kind of scared because I didn't know how it would hold up, but it's been great.  

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    At two and a half Tori still uses her space saver every single day. 
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    I am going to be the odd man out.  We have both types, and I really like our HC.  I almost didn't get our HC out of the box, and was going to sell it, but DH insisted that we should.    We fed him first in the Rainforest Booster chair.  It was fine, but I felt like it just wasn't that comfortable, and he was really low.  The HC is padded all around, and I can just take the cover off and throw it in the wash (it says to spot clean only, but I throw it in the washing machine on gentle and have never had a problem!). 

    I can roll the HC very easily over to where I am in the kitchen, so DS can watch me.  And it doesn't take up a chair, so when we have company over, we aren't doing musical chairs.  Clean up is easy b/c ours has removable tops, so we can take it to the sink and wash it quickly. They also have a large food area with a big lip all around, so most food stays on the top (unless he starts throwing!).  I also like the recline feature.  Sometimes, if he is eating late, I can tell he's getting tired, and lay him back to drink his milk.

    I was surprised to like our HC better, honestly, but we also don't have one of the cushy space savers - just the plastic one, so maybe that would make a difference.

    I'm going to agree. We have the same high chair in a different color (and our seat cover is fabric not vinyl) and I really like it. We used a space saver and I felt like DS was too low and I just didn't think he looked comfortable. The Chicco HC folds up pretty small and I throw our seat cover in the wash about once a week and haven't had any problems with it at all.

    I also like that I can roll it and move it to where I'm at in the house. Sometimes if I'm in a rush getting ready I can put DS in the high chair with a snack or some toys and bring him into my bedroom and get ready and not have to worry about him running willy nilly all over the house. 

    (just fyi) Ooppss - didn't look at the link.  Ours is not vinyl, either - it's some sort of cloth, so that is why I put is in the wash.  If it was vinyl, I think I would be leary of putting it in the machine - of course, you wouldn't have a reason to if you could just wipe it clean.

    Do you have the Adventure color? A friend of mine has the one you linked to (I think it's Discovery) and her's is an easily wiped off vinyl. When I opened mine (Adventure- it's fabric) I was kind of scared because I didn't know how it would hold up, but it's been great.  

    Yes, I guess it's the Adventure one - it's that green fabric.  I had read online reviews about complaining about the spot cleaning on it was terrible (cause it says "spot clean only" on the cover tag), then one review said that she just put it in the washing machine.  I figured, it couldn't hurt (b/c it did look terrible from the spot cleaning), and it held up nicely. 

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    We have a space saver and I love it!!  The only thing I would do differently is the one that I picked has the tray that requires 2 hands to release from the arms. This is a pain sometimes, so I wish I would have chosen one with a one handed, front release for the tray

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    we have the space saver and it's awesome.  I'm so glad we didn't get a regular high chair.

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    We registered for and got both. We have the room for a high chair and I got the space saver mostly to travel to ILs with or the like. Based on your previous post about lack of space, I'd go with the space saver if I were you.
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