
Time for Breast Milk supply to grow

My LO was born 1 week ago today at 33 W 1 D, it took several days of pumping for anything to come out, then about 1/2 an ounce per pump and now at a week out I'm only getting about an ounce per pumping.

We are working with her for about 15 min a day at the nipple, which probably helps me as much as her, she's not doing much, but she does kinda lick off what I express, but I'm concerned because I'm not getting any more than 1 oz per pumping session right now, and I'm pumping on her feeding schedule every 3 hours.

I'm going to talk to the lactation consultant again tomorrow when I'm in the nursery with her, but how long did it take for you to get your "full" supply?

I hope mine goes up so it's more than 1 oz!!

Re: Time for Breast Milk supply to grow

  • I know that doing kangroo care with my boys seemed to help my supply.  Hope this helps.
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  • Honestly that doesn't sound so bad. I am lucky to get 1.5 oz of milk every 2 hours. I've been pumping for 4 weeks.
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  • Just keep it up. You're still REALLY early in the bfing cycle. Drink lots of water to make sure you have the fluids to make more milk: aim for at least 80 oz of water a day. Keep pumping every 2-3 hrs throughout the day and night. Hang in there!
  • It probably took me a good 2 weeks to get it to what I would consider a full supply. Keep pumping mama! You are doing great!

    Have you tried power pumping? This really helps me every time I feel like I need to up my stash. Pump on and off every 10 minutes for an hour. I just sit in front of the tv with the pump "on," and have dh time it.

    Also make sure you pump after every time she tries bfing! Good luck! Definatley talk to the lactation consultant!

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  • Thanks everyone!  Sounds like I may not be too far off then, so I'll add more kangaroo time, which I love, and just keep pumping!
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