South Florida Babies

The scare of our lives!

Saturday during the day, I did some minor housework, and later attended my best friend's shower.  I came back overjoyed b/c we had talked so much about the babies (she too is having twins).  DH and I caught up on our days, and I went in to the bathroom; that's when our lives seemed to almost fall apart.

There was blood everywhere!  I ran out crying and screaming hysterically to DH.  He had been working on the yard all day, so he was full of dirt.  He tried to calmed me down, but that was impossible.  I came back in to clean myself, and told DH we had to run to the hospital.  He took the fastest shower ever, which I called my RE on-call.  By the time we go to the hospital (me still hysterical), RE called back and said to go home and visit her office Sunday AM, but not to wait at the hospital.

I looked at Dh and told him I couldn't bear being 12 hrs w/out knowing what was going on, so we checked in to the ER.  I was seen by a nurse w/in 20 min, and they started to run b/w, and quickly put me in a private ER room.  Then the wait began, and the prayers continued.  We had no idea what to expect... all we did was fear for the worst. 

During our time there, I went through 4 maxi pads and passed a few clots.  4 hours later, doctor finally came in but still no sign of an ultrasound, and all he would say is "m/c."  Shut up man, just bring in the machine!  Well, by this time, it is almost 2AM, so we decided to just go home and go to RE office in the morning.  He did do a pelvic exam and did note the cervix was closed... and meantime, I never had any pain/cramps.  I was optimistic, but still wanted an answer!

As you can imagine, not much sleeping was done overnight.  When I woke up, there was no more blood.  By 9AM, we were at the RE's office, and I was in a few minutes later.  And we quickly saw the 2 sacs, and a 3rd sac?!  Turns out the "3rd" sac was a huge blood clot!  The clot was causing all the bleeding!  It is still there and it should pass on its own, so I am expected to continue bleeding, but haven't seen any since Saturday. 

In the meantime, I am on "bedrest" for the week.  No work for me.  I return on Friday for another ultrasound.  During treatments, I was taking baby asprin to increase circulation, but apparently the con is that it can cause clots.  Doctor wasn't overly worried about it, as it does happen (not unheard of), but she doesn't want to risk the babies, which is why I need to take it easy this week... and obviously stop the asprin!

Everytime Dh thinks about it, he gets all emotional!  He comes over and hugs / kisses me.  He even started to cry in front of his cousin when rethinking what he said was "all the blood down my leg (as I showered) I thought it was a m/c!"  Poor thing.  

If you made it this far, thanks! 

-- Jackie
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Re: The scare of our lives!

  • Wow.  Hang in there!  that was a tough time, and it sucks to have to wait!  I am a little confused on the asprin though, I thought it was for thinning out the blood and to prevent clots.  Either up and keep us posted!

    Photo courtesy of
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    It's Beshert
  • OMG....I am so happy everything is ok!  Rest and take care of yourself.  That is sooooo frightening.
    DD (8/12/09), DD (2/8/11)
    BFP 12/16/14| EDD 8/19/15 |MMC 1/15/15 (9 weeks 1 day)
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  • imageGenaAndJosh:
    Wow.  Hang in there!  that was a tough time, and it sucks to have to wait!  I am a little confused on the asprin though, I thought it was for thinning out the blood and to prevent clots.  Either up and keep us posted!

    Me too!  But doctor says it can occassionally cause clots... still not 100% clear, but I know I stopped them quickly! 

    -- Jackie
    "If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imagecocojack10:

    Wow.  Hang in there!  that was a tough time, and it sucks to have to wait!  I am a little confused on the asprin though, I thought it was for thinning out the blood and to prevent clots.  Either up and keep us posted!

    Me too!  But doctor says it can occassionally cause clots... still not 100% clear, but I know I stopped them quickly! 

      Yeah, My RE told me to stop any aspirin immediately becoming pregnant.  Interesting.....again, I am just happy you are alright and so are the babies.
    DD (8/12/09), DD (2/8/11)
    BFP 12/16/14| EDD 8/19/15 |MMC 1/15/15 (9 weeks 1 day)
  • ((hugs))

     I'm so glad everything is okay with the babies!  What a relief. 

    Take it easy, hon.

    I had to discontinue taking my baby aspirin too because I kept having bleeding from a low lying placenta.  I had 6 rounds of bleeding with Andrew.  It was crazy how much blood there could be and everything was still okay.

    Hang in there!  I'm rooting for you and those babies!

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  • How scary! I'm so glad everything is ok. I always though asprin during pregnancy was a big no no. Rest up and take care of those babies!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
  • How scary that you had to go through that.  I can't even imagine having to experience that.  Rest up and I hope you are feeling better soon and with no more bleeding.
    imageLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • OMG. How scary, but I'm so glad everything is OK. Rest up!
  • imagecocojack10:

    Wow.  Hang in there!  that was a tough time, and it sucks to have to wait!  I am a little confused on the asprin though, I thought it was for thinning out the blood and to prevent clots.  Either up and keep us posted!

    Me too!  But doctor says it can occassionally cause clots... still not 100% clear, but I know I stopped them quickly! 

    I think in this case, the clot is there and they want it to stop bleeding so it will pass.  The BA makes you bleed more freely so in theory (my theory, lol!) they are trying to get this spot to clot off and heal. 

    Maybe someone else can explain it better?


    How scary! I'm so glad everything is ok. I always though asprin during pregnancy was a big no no. Rest up and take care of those babies!

    Regular asprin is not safe during pregnancy. 

    However sometimes baby asprin (not regular strength only 81 mg) is recommended based on mom's medical history or conditions.  BA should only be used per doctor's orders and should be noted in your chart.


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  • How scary!! So glad to hear everything is ok! Praying the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • :( how scary!

    I'm glad you and the babies are ok!!! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Holy crap Jackie!!!! Glad you 3 are ok though. Take it easy. Good thing is that you can get your DH to spoil you some more which is never a bad thing.
  • Omg Jackie! I'm so sorry you had that terrible scare:( Thank God everything is okay!! I hope you gave a huge FU to the person @ the ER!
    imageLilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • OMG I am soo glad you are OK! I cannot even imagine what you and your DH went through! Its unbelievable that those idiots at the ER didn't perform an ultrasound! When I was pregnant with DS (2nd trimester) I went to the ER because I was bleeding and they couldn't find the heartbeat for like 10 minutes (DH and I were freaking out). My Dr told me that the people at the ER are really not well trained in obstetrics so he gave me a fake, more advanced, due date so if I had to go to the ER again they would think I was past 20 weeks and send me to the maternity area.

    Make sure you rest! H&H 9 months to you!

  • Oh you poor thing! I'm so glad everything is ok!
  • I am sorry you had to go through that. I feel like we are all going through your pregnancy together and I got all emotional just reading this. Thank you so much for sharing every step of the way...the good with the bad. I will pray that it is all good from here on out. Take is easy and we are here to tlak to while you are home :)
  • imageGator09:
    I am sorry you had to go through that. I feel like we are all going through your pregnancy together and I got all emotional just reading this. Thank you so much for sharing every step of the way...the good with the bad. I will pray that it is all good from here on out. Take is easy and we are here to tlak to while you are home :)

    ditto ditto ditto!!  And Yikes! !  But then Whew!!  Bed rest is no fun, but I hope all goes smoothly.

  • Wow! I was scared at I was reading. Will pray everything is ok.  Get a nice book and enjoy your rest at home.
  • so happy to hear that everything is ok, xoxoxoxo
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  • What a rough weekend!  I'm so glad it all turned out ok.  You must have been so scared!
  • I was so nervous reading this! I'm so glad you and the babies are ok, I can't imagine what you and your husband were thinking! Take care!!!
  • AlbahAlbah member

    Wow, thank God everything turned out well and that you and your babies are ok!!! I could only imagine what you went through!

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers image
    BFP #3: 01/28/12, EDD: 09/23/12, MMC (BO), D&C 2/16/12 at 6.5 wks
    BFP #4: 05/23/12, EDD: 01/31/12, Early MC at 5 wks

    RPL Workup: + LPD (7DPO Prog = 7.8, Endometrial Bx = out of phase)
    Elevated Alpha 2-glycoprotein IgA and antiphosphatidylserine IgM -->
    Hematologist said not to worry and no need for treatment!

    Dx: LPD
    Cycle #1(08/2012): Clomid 50 mg CD3-7, Ovidrel CD13 + Progesterone = It worked!
    BFP #5 on 09/10/12 (11 DPO). HCG #1 @ 14DPO = 131.6 HCG #2 @ 16DPO = 509
    EDD: 05/23/2013 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • Ay Jackie, I'm so sorry that you had to go through this major freak out episode. Though I am so happy to hear that you and the kiddies are doing just fine now. Now I will closely watch my symptoms when I'm scheduled to start taking baby aspirin as well. Tongue Tied
  • Wow glad to hear everything is ok!!
  • Omg!!! How incredible did the right thing by going to the ER. Although I'm in shock by how they treated you. Do you mind me asking which hospital?!? Just curious because I know our OB's who cover the ER always order an US 1st thing. I'm do glad you and the babies are ok...thank goodness!!! -j
  • How cow! I read this with my heart in my throat. I am so glad everything is OK!!!!
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  • Wow!  Jackie, I can't believe you went through all that this weekend.  I understand how you felt.  But, the loss of so much blood must have been terrifying.  DH wanted to take me to the ER/Urgent Care on Saturday night, but I only wanted to be seen by my OB.  He told me that it was a good thing I waited to see him b/c I wouldn't have been attended much at the ER and would've just spent all night waiting - I see now he was right.  I'm so glad that everything turned out okay.  Thank goodness it was just a side effect of the baby aspirin and that you and the babies are doing well. 
  • Oh Jackie I'm so sorry you had to go through all this. I'm just glad to hear that the three of you are doing good. Take extra good care of yourself.
  • Phew -- I'm so glad that everything is ok! What a terrible scare :-( I will continue to keep you and the babies in my thoughts and prayers. Rest up this week and let DH spoil you! Hugs!
  • OMG! Jackie, thank GOD you and the babies are ok! I would have been totally freaking out too, but I am so so glad to hear that everyone is healthy and that you are going to be resting this week.

    Take it easy!! I'm praying for you and the twins.



    Elizabeth Salom (elistar)'s book recommendations, liked quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (read shelf)Follow Me on Pinterest
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • It sounds like you definitely had a scare!  Glad to hear that everything is ok, though.  Try not to get too frustrated with your bed rest and I hope everything turns out wonderfully.  :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
  • Omg I would have freaked! I'm glad the babies are ok!
  • How scary!  Thank goodness everything turned out for the best. :)
  • You poor thing!  Poor DH too!  I'm sorry you had to go through all that.  At least all is well.  Hang in there, girl!  We are praying for you and the babies!!!!!!!!   ::huge hugs::

    Jason & Patricia 5/28/06


  • Omg how scary it most of been a horrible feeling. i am so glad everything is okay.
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  • WOW!!!!!


    Thank God everything is okay!!!

  • Jackie, so sorry to hear that you two had quite a scare. I hope all is better and you don't have anymore bleeding. Bleeding can be soo nerve-wracking. I bled at 15 weeks for an entire week due to polyps I didn't even knew existed. It's easy to be frightened and stressed, especially given all that you've gone through, but try to be optimistic and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy. I was so stressed until about 25 weeks and then I made sure I enjoyed the rest of it.

    Thoughts and prayers and best of luck to you. :)

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  • how terrifying!  I'm so glad that everything is okay!!
  • Jackie...I was so scared reading your post!!! So glad that the babies are doing well :o) I always say that my pregnancy with Mikey and bedrest were God-sent...I learned so much about my hubby that I never knew before...he helped take such good care of me and worried more about the pregnancy and the placenta previa than I did...poor Frog Hunter!!! These kiddos are going to be major pranksters  
    ~~Givette~~ Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • imageMrsGiviRN:
    These kiddos are going to be major pranksters  

    Oh girl, you have no idea!  I tell Dh this all the time.  With parents like us, well, it is payback towards us now!  : )

    But I wouldn't have it any other way... we are in for the times of our lives!

    -- Jackie
    "If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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