They want to let me go another 1-2 days, so u/s and bw in the am. My E2 level today is 3872, so the bloat is setting in.....I still feel better than last time! At least they cut my follistim back, so my last cartridge will see me through to the end!
1 ectopic 3 m/c's prior to 5/05
Un-freaking-explained IF
5/05 IVF, BFN
9/05 FET 3d5e, BFP = Beautiful Baby Girl (lucky pg #5)
8/08 Fet 3d5e, cp
12/08 IVF with PGD, transfer 3, BFN
5/09 FET transfer 4, BFN
Hail Mary IUI with Follistim 9/11 BFP; 9/22 confirmed tubal/MTX
4/10 FET 3d5e, BFP!!!! m/c 5/26/10
1 year break and yet another m/c 5/11
FET #5 initial beat 121, second beta 7
Lap and removal of L tube and very mild endo 7/11
Suprise BFP 12/11 & m/c @ 8 wks.
After 11 losses and one beautiful miracle our journey is over, we are thankful and at peace.
Re: No trigger tonight
Good luck!!!! Don't worry too much about the'll just turn into a bump soon anyway!
But I do know how uncomfortable it is It will be worth it!!!