How late were you? I know our due date is pretty right-on b/c we did ovulation induction, but humor me to tell me how long you had to endure.
I'm still working F/T - I swear I might slap the next person that comments that I'm "still here." It gives me something to do all day!
Secondly- my OB scheduled me for an U/S and non-stress test if I still haven't had him by Monday. Then they indicated sometime before/at 42 weeks they'd induce. They indicated I'm not huge, nor is the baby and all of our stats are looking good (BP, heart rate, etc). Is this pretty typical?
Re: If your baby was overdue
I was induced at 41 weeks, 3 days--one day before I was scheduled to be induced, because my BP had gone up. What your Dr has done sounds pretty typical.
Hang in there! :-) And those comments won't stop... Ugh--that was the worst!
From what I understand, most docs don't like to let people go past 41 or 42 weeks, so I think it is pretty typical.
My doctor didn't want to let me go more than 10 days past my due date. So, when 10 days after my due date rolled around and Baby Murph still showed no sign of wanting to come out, I was induced.
Catching up on sports news...
Catching up on sports news...
Can you work from home? I did that just so I didn't have to deal with the "Are you in labor yet?" although, that didn't really stop it. It just meant they called more often.
I didn't go too far overdue, so I didn't have any of that. The day I was going to be induced I was already in labor - and that was just 2 days after my due date. *I* thought Ben was going to be big which is why I asked to be induced. The doctor was sure he would be average. I was right... Ben was huge.
I am *all belly* so I think this boy is big. I also work with nurses, several of which were L&D nurses, who have commented they thing he'll be a biggun.
I can work at home, but it is honestly more comfy at work!
I was 5 days overdue. I went in 4 days overdue for a NST and was scheduled for an ultrasound the following day to check my fluid level, but I went into labor instead. And I was about to claw peoples eyes out every time they looked in my general direction.
If you can get a doctor's note to work from home DO IT!
With Natalie I was 6 days overdue when I went into labor (although it stalled, I was then induced and had a c/s). If I hadn't gone into labor that night, I had a dr. appt the next day (41 wk) to do the NST. They would have scheduled to induce me for the following week. It sounds pretty normal.
good luck! I hope he decides to come soon for you.
I was induced at 8 days overdue, but only because I had Gestational Diabetes and they were scared Ella was going to be huge (yes - all 6lbs of her . Normally they would have let me go 13 days past my due date. I worked up until I was induced as well and even though I work from home - it doesn't stop everyone from instant messaging you! Grrrr
I went into labor at 40 w 4 d on my own. I had an appt. that morning with the OB to check on things but I was at the hopsital at the time of my appt.
I was due on Thursday the 25th and I worked through that Monday. I was just so huge and over it. I needed a few days to rest and thank goodness I did rest b/c then I didn't get any sleep for a while, lol!
Yeah, people are so dad gone annoying sometimes. Good luck with these last few days, well hopefully maybe hours!
My Sweet Girls
I was induced the day I was 42 weeks. I think your docs actions are fairly typical. Elle was only 7 lbs 6 oz at birth, which isn't huge considering how late she was.
I ended up with a c-section after the induction, really hope that isn't the case for you. However, I was not effaced at all and only 1 centimeter dilated when I was induced. It was not likely to work.
Fingers crossed you go on your own in next few days!
***Baby #3: BFP Mother
I was induced at 6 days overdue at the discretion of my doc. I am sure if I contested it he would have let me wait longer but I was so ready to have the baby I didn't care at that point. I do hope you are able to go naturally, but I want to say that I had a wonderful induction experience so don't worry! I would have kept working too, but I got laid off when PG so didn't have that option! lol
I was exactly 1 week overdue when I delivered. They induced me the day before that because I had developed pre-eclampsia, but DS wouldn't drop, so I didn't dilate and they wound up doing a c-section after 16 hours of labor.
Hang in there, though! It IS hard when people keep asking you why you haven't had the baby yet...I was on the verge of going postal by then. LOL.