Has anyone had any experience with it?
My DD just turned 4 and her umbilical hernia was discovered at birth. She had her well child visit today and the doctor looked at it and said it still hadn't closed so we set up surgery for the 28th. I am freaking out. She has never been put under before and i don't know what to expect.
If you have any experience can you help me out?
Re: Umbilical hernia surgery question....
I don't have experience with it myself, but DH's niece had hers repaired a few years ago. I remember BIL and SIL got her a bear dressed as a surgeon and talked a lot about what was going to happen.
Are you having it done through a children's hospital? They should have some really good tips for you. Both of my girls had tubes surgery and we got packets and packets of information on how to prep them for the experience (both of my girls were under 1 so there wasn't much to do for them--the info was geared for young children, though). Definitely contact the hospital to have them send you information.