Northern California Babies

Cost of infant helmets for reshaping head?

We only have basic DME coverage, which means we will pay out of pocket for an infant helmet. That's fine, but I can't seem to get anyone on the phone who can tell me how much the thing costs. Insurance redirects me to DME provider, but I don't have the name of that contact yet. I Googled it and read anywhere from $1000-3000. Pretty large range.

Has anyone here actually gone through this process recently who can give me real numbers? I'm sure many factors play into the cost, just looking for estimates. Thanks.

Re: Cost of infant helmets for reshaping head?

  • I have not personally but have seen a ton of girls on the national boards that needed helmets and it seemed that 3-4K was typical.  Since you pay OOP I would see if you can find someone on the national board that has coverage, find out what their insurance actually reimbursed the company, what company she used and then try that one and ask for the insurance negotiated rate.

    For example, for my infusion meds the Dr.'s office bills my insurance roughly 6K and my insurance actually pays them roughly 3.5K, so major difference right?

    I would guess that if the cost is 4K that most insurance companies are actually paying around 2.5 so it's worth doing the homework and then trying to leverage that info.

    I hope that made sense, if not I'll try againSmile

  • We have had Lilly's head scanned for this and will be rechecking next week (although, I don't think she'll end up needing a helmet)...and the cost of the helmet is about 3K..maybe a little more.
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  • My younger son wore one from 10-13.5 months.  Happy to answer any questions you might have about the entire experience!

    We went through a company called Cranial Tech.  They are all over the country, but I don't think there are any offices in NorCal.  I was told they charge one flat rate that covers the cost of the helmet, all adjustments, and all visits to the clinic (usually 2x a month).  I believe it was either $3,200 or $3,600 - I can't remember now.

    We were very fortunate in that our insurance (Aetna) covered it 100% so we didn't have to pay a dime.  I think the OOP cost would be been in the $3K range though if insurance didn't cover it.  Good luck!!  

  • jsurgin ? Thanks so much for the tips! That makes total sense. I?m not afraid to ask for a discount and will try to leverage that angle.

    SportyMrs... ? Hope Lilly doesn?t need one after all is said and done. Our guy is older, so it's decision time for us.  3K, huh? Thanks for confirming the price estimate. It helps to know what we?re potentially dealing with.

    Meritage ? I appreciate your willingness to share your experience. I may take you up on your offer if I have future questions. You?re very fortunate to have had it covered 100%. I'm totally jealous! ;-)

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