My sister's middle name is Lynn and I would like to use it as a mn if we have a future DD. Anyone have suggestions for a first name? (BTW, my sister is Kimberly Lynn, so that is out.) Also, my DD's name is Allison Nicole, so I would like for those to go together.
Re: FN for Lynn
Lynn is a pretty versatile mn, it goes with almost anything.
I really like Ruby Lynn, Sarah Lynn, Joani Lynn (my name hehehe), Rosa Lynn.
My Awesome Craft Blog
My other blog
Natalie Lynn
Amanda Lynn
Teresa Lynn
Caroline Lynn
Andrea Lynn
Lets see..
I am Katrina Lynne
Mom is Vicki Lynne
Bff is Keeli Lynne
SIL is Susan Lynne
I was going to name DD Emma Lynne but DH really wanted Grace. So if next baby is a girl she will either be Kendall Lynne or Kennedy Lynne
I'm a Jamie Lynn and right now I have students named Brooke, Katie, Amy, Sarah, and Jessica Lynn.