Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Baby applesauce vs Unsweetened applesauce

Is there a difference?  I looked at the ingredients and they both just say apples and ascorbic acid.

Re: Baby applesauce vs Unsweetened applesauce

  • no difference, just labelling and they probably charge more for the baby kind.
  • image4realyo:
    no difference, just labelling and they probably charge more for the baby kind.

    Exactly what I was thinking.  Thanks!

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  • imagelissah23:

    no difference, just labelling and they probably charge more for the baby kind.

    Exactly what I was thinking.  Thanks!

    Well now that I know that, I'm not buying the baby food kind... Thanks!

  • Check the sodium content in baby vs. the unsweetened.  It depends on the brands you are comparing, but non-baby unsweetened can have significantly more sodium that the baby brands.
  • imagegniddew:
    Check the sodium content in baby vs. the unsweetened.  It depends on the brands you are comparing, but non-baby unsweetened can have significantly more sodium that the baby brands.

    Ah smart! I'll look for sure before we buy anything.

  • I think that the baby one is also more pureed than the non-baby.
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