Texas Babies

a park with infant swings?

Just curious if anyone knows of a park or playground, or even a restaurant that has infant swings?  My backyard doesn't have any limbs that are good enough for swings, so we are going to have to make an outing to do so.  We live in Terrell Heights, but I'm willing to take my little ones anywhere for a little fun.

Re: a park with infant swings?

  • Have you tried Olmos Park? It would at least be worth a drive-by check since it's so near to you. Otherwise, I bet McAllister Park would have infant swings - they have some nice play areas.
  • Both good bets but I know that Orsinger Park on Heubner does. We used to go all of the time out there when Kat was younger. It is more geared towards younger children and by the time she was 7 she was 'so over' the childish aspects of the park. She is 17 now so believe me when I say she isn't using it at all. *smirk* We just drove by this past week and I saw a bunch of babies and families out there.
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  • we go to Orsinger park b/c it's close to us, but I bet there are some closer to you
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  • Yup- Orsinger Park does... we were there this morning. It was so nice and quiet... the toddler/baby swings are a bit large- big enough for you to put your babies back to back and let them swing together. have fun :)
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  • Thank you!  We will definitely check all of these out!

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