
Tell me not to worry

My DD is almost 19 months. She has been walking for only about 7 weeks. She falls *constantly*. It doens't matter what shoes she is wearing, barefoot, whatever. She has numerous black and blue bumps on head, skinned knees and today had a bloody nose.

I don't remember this with my older DD. Is this normal?!

She was at the pedi on Friday, no ear infection. Any thoughts? Am I just being overprotective of her (which I know I am guilty of...)


DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Tell me not to worry

  • Ava wasn't like this, but Ella was. I remember talking to her EI about it because I was so concerned but they assured me as long as she was developing normally cognitively and it wasn't getting worse it was completely normal. She eventually stopped falling. :) 
    {Ava 5.16.06} {Ella 12.29.07} {Drew 2.9.10}
  • I don't remember DS having that issue, and he's a pretty rough-and-tumble guy. I know that doesn't help you feel better. Is this something you could talk to your pedi about? Maybe she needs to be evaluated for OT? It might be nothing, but it couldn't hurt to ask.


    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
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  • I still fall all the time, and as far as I know, I am ok. Just a clutz.
  • My friend's kid (same age as DS, 3) falls ALL the time. Took him to the doctor, nothing is wrong. He just falls a lot. At age 3, it is definitely less now.

    A funny story: I took my friend's kid to a Jumpers-type place and he had a HELL of a time getting up the stairs to the huge slides. I cannot tell you how many times I had to do it with him or how many times he took a fall (thankfully not from the top). Finally, the other kids at the place -- complete strangers -- caught on and they always made sure someone was behind him to 'hike' him up the stairs. It was funny that they just worked it out. 

  • Oh, and my other thought was that maybe she's just klutzy, as Mel mentioned. :)

    My DS actually fell down our steps twice in one day a week or so ago and he's never fallen down them before. I think he was just having a clumsy day.

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • It is probably nothing, but have you ever had her eyes checked?  Vision problems could cause her to fall.  She may just still be getting used to walking though.
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
  • REOMREOM member

    It is probably nothing, but have you ever had her eyes checked?  Vision problems could cause her to fall.  She may just still be getting used to walking though.

    Yes, actually she was at the opthamologist last week. And I was so embarrassed with all her black and blues! Vision is fine.

    Thanks for the replies. Maybe she just isn't as graceful as her momma ;) LOL

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • coktcokt member
    If she has only been walking 7 weeks, she is still a pretty new walker. I bet in another month or so she has the hang of it and is falling way less. DS started walking at about 15 months and pretty much stopped crawling overnight once he figured it out. He fell all the time the first couple of months and was also constantly covered in bumps and bruises.?
  • Audrey still falls from time to time at almost 21 months.  It is almost as if her top half gets a head of her feet and then just tips over.  Less now, but I would say she still falls 1 time a day.
    Michelle Mommy to Kayleigh, Audrey and Faith. image
  • REOMREOM member

    Audrey still falls from time to time at almost 21 months.  It is almost as if her top half gets a head of her feet and then just tips over.  Less now, but I would say she still falls 1 time a day.

    All jokes aside, I wonder if her GIANT head is causing her to tip over!

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • Auds has a big head for her body and that's what I blame:)
    Michelle Mommy to Kayleigh, Audrey and Faith. image
  • OK, I'm going to be the Debbie Downer voice that encourages you to at least discuss this concern with your pediatrician at DD's 18-mo well visit.  It's probably nothing, but I think it's worth mentioning, and possibly having evaluated (either by OT or PT depending on what the pedi thinks). 

    I'm basing this only on personal experience with DS#1 who fell all.the.time (and still does at almost 4!)  Turns out he has a bit of low muscle tone, and would benefit from OT intervention to help strengthen his muscles and also to encourage increased "awareness of one's body in space."  They can also evaluate whether DD has developed necessary protective reflexes (e.g., does she put her hands out in front of her in time when she's falling) or if she would benefit from being "taught" these skills.

    It's so hard not to worry - but as a mommy with a floppy kiddo who is always getting hurt, it's worth a bit of further investigation  - if only to put your mind at ease that she's absolutely fine and just not likely to seek a career as a ballerina :) (or to get her the intervention she needs if that's the case).


    ETA: Oops - just noticed you were just at the pedi and she's past her 18-mo well visit.  IMHO, I'd at least give the pedi a call to voice your concern.  Definitely not urgent, but I probably wouldn't wait until the 2-year-well visit to ask.
  • Andersen has been SUCH a klutz!  Seriously, the child stumbles over his feet all.the.time.  It's gotten a bit better as time goes on and he gets more steady on his legs, but he's still clumsy.

    If she hasn't been walking for very long, she's probably just still wobbly.  And I chalked it up to Andersen trying too hard to go too fast too soon to keep up with his brother.  E is probably just trying to keep up with G and getting ahead of herself -- something G didn't need to do.

  • Max has been walking since 13 months (I think, isn't that bad that I can't remember for sure right now?) and he still looks like a new walker sometimes.  I remember Sam being super steady fairly quickly, but Max is can still be unsteady and he falls pretty easily at times.  Its our nature as mothers to worry, so I understand how you feel, but I bet she'll master it in time. 

    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • *hugs*

    I don't have any experience with this (yet...I'm sure I will) but it sounds like you've gotten some good responses. Try not to worry too much... 

    Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
  • imageREOM:

    Audrey still falls from time to time at almost 21 months.  It is almost as if her top half gets a head of her feet and then just tips over.  Less now, but I would say she still falls 1 time a day.

    All jokes aside, I wonder if her GIANT head is causing her to tip over!

    Ok, seriously, I'm thinking that maybe the head size does have something to do with it b/c DS1 used to fall ALL. THE. TIME and his head is almost off the charts!!  he's gotten better, but still trips and falls almost daily.  He just doesn't pay attention to what's in front of him, where he's going etc.  Too busy.  But I still do think his big head (and big feet) don't help either!

    I did mention this to the pedi at his 3 yo check up adn she said that as long as it's not getting WORSE that it's nothing to worry about.  That some kids are just not a graceful as others.  I would just keep an eye on it, try to make a mental note of how often it is happening and go from there :) 

  • My youngest DD's nickname is 'T-Dub' aka Trainwreck. Seriously- this child hurts herself more than is humanly possible.  My oldest wasn't like that at all- she was much more careful. 
  • My DD#2 is a terrible clutz...she falls all the time & she's 3.  Not only does she fall but she falls & hits her face/head all the time.  There for a good year I think she had a knot on her face almost constantly.  She walked around 14mo or so.  I am a horrible clutz too & was since I was a toddler.  I will say that she is getting better since turning 3. I was gonna ask if your DD has low muscle tone like someone else mentioned.  My DD#3 does so her gross motor milestones are a bit behind (she's just army crawling at 10mo) but she also has issues w/ sudden weakness/muscles giving out & banging herself (on the floor).  I would think by now your Ped would notice it--your DD isn't by chance very flexible?  Anyway just a possibility.  She'll likely just grow out of it I bet!
    AKA Carol*Brady! IHO my upcoming 10yr Nestiversary--Back to old screenname. My own Marsha, Jan & Cindy... imageDesigning a Life Blog
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