
Lily has her first cold :(

I am so upset! Yesterday she started coughing. I called the pediatrician's office and spoke to the nurse. She said that it sounded like Lily was starting with a cold. She said I shouldn't worry too much and just let it run its course. She said I could bring Lily in today if it would make me feel better, but I decided to wait and see how Lily was this morning. Today she has the cough, a runny nose and some congestion. It doesn't seem to be bothering her really - she is acting like her normal self. She is having trouble sleeping though. Her breathing sounds fine and all. I opted not to take her to the pediatrician just yet.

I hope it really is "just a cold" and doesn't turn into something worse. It just figures that I'm only two weeks in to actually taking the babies out of the house for the first time in 6 months, and one of them gets sick! I just hope Charlie doesn't get it too. :(

 When did your LO get sick for the first time? Did it turn out okay?

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Re: Lily has her first cold :(

  • My Lily got a cold when she was 5 months old and I was a nervous wreck! Everything turned out fine, but her first year she was sick a lot and had a lot of ear infections. Just cuddle her a lot. Lily is fine now and is a whipper-snapper!

    PS - Me and DH decided today that if this baby is a boy his name will be Charlie - so I might have a Lily and a Charlie too Big Smile

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  • imageShanaNChris:

    My Lily got a cold when she was 5 months old and I was a nervous wreck! Everything turned out fine, but her first year she was sick a lot and had a lot of ear infections. Just cuddle her a lot. Lily is fine now and is a whipper-snapper!

    PS - Me and DH decided today that if this baby is a boy his name will be Charlie - so I might have a Lily and a Charlie too Big Smile

    Love it :) And thanls!

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  • Dylan caught his first cold from me in the middle of Feb (7 mths old). He did just fine and ended up getting rid of his cough and was 100% better before I ever was.
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  • Ella has had 2 colds so far.  Both were very minor no fever just lots of snot.  We had a bulb syringe in every room.  Both lasted about 5 days and she was a ok.  Hope Lilly feels better soon.

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  • Annabelle got her first cold about three weeks ago, just a cough, running nose, no temperature, but she was sleeping horrible, so being worried I took her in to see the doctor. I will say by the end of the weekend (she had her cold for about 5 days) she was feeling better. Lots of cuddling, aspirator and tyelnol helped too. We returned to the doctors on Friday for her six month and the doctor said her lungs sounded great. And that her cold cleared up.

    I know the first time can be very scary. I'm glad I took her in, it gave me peace of mind. I hope Lily feels better real soon and that Charlie doesn't get his sister cold. Keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers. 




  • My DS had RSV in January and has a cold right now.  Even the RSV wasn't that bad (probably b/c the synagis) just runny nose, cough, 99ish fever. 

    Hope Lily feels better soon!

    PS - I'm in NJ too!  Maybe it's this crazy weather we've been having...89 degrees one day, in the 40s a couple nights later that's making everyone sick.

  • DD has had a few colds, seems to be whenever the weather changes. And for some reason when we go to an event(family gathering or get-togther with friends) she usually ends up with at least a running nose for a few days. Not sure if is getting sick or just a change in routine. And right now everything is nice and yellow from the pollen around here right now.
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