So my BP has continued to climb. I saw the MFM today and he said that it is time to throw in the towel and take this little guy out

!!! He originally wanted to deliver me today, but my DH is still in Texas, so he agreed to wait until Monday. So come Monday at 12pm, I will be holding Vincent Christopher in my arms. Sigh....I almost made it to full term, but I'll take 35 weeks 3 days over 26 weeks any day!
Re: Update on sticky baby
Well damn. So close! But still so much better than 26!
Hoping things go well and the wee mister needs nothing but a little fattening up.
My Blog
Good luck on Monday.
:::Sends healthy thoughts:::
35 and 3 is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!! Congrats mama! Take care of yourself and keep us posted when you can.
Every week the baby bakes is to be celebrated. I'm glad you made it this far and hope all goes well on Monday. Don't forget to post pictures.
Way to stay positive and look on the bright side! I love an optimist!
FWIW, I had DD @ 36w3d after having a 24 weeker and I had a 7 lb 7 oz 36 weeker who came right home and had no problems and didn't need any assistance whatsoever. I will keep my fingers crossed you have the same luck!
Jacob 3.23.08 * Grace 7.22.09 * Eli 7.26.11 * Annabelle 1.18.14
My DD was born at 35w4d and aside from being a peanut and having jaundice she was great. Breastfeeding was challenging at first but we got the hang of things and never looked back.
Good luck!