
Anyone here with bio kids choosing to adopt?

DH and I are very lucky and blessed to have one healthy son, and another one the way. We are considering adoption in the future, so I lurk here from time to time, and enjoy seeing everyone's successes :)  Is anyone else choosing to adopt if you already have bio kids? It's not a decision we'll make for sure until after DS #2 is born and a little older, but it's definitely on the radar. 
Aidan Jake 7/25/08 Cooper Cole 7/27/10 Tessa Morgan 8/9/12

Re: Anyone here with bio kids choosing to adopt?

  • Me!!! DH and I have a beautiful DD but always wanted to do adopt and decided Thanksgiving weekend to adopt from Russia. 

    However, in light of recent events, that looks like we might not be-Russia is pushing for a  halt to all US adoptions from Russia.

  • Sort of. We started the adoption process with the assumption we would also become bio parents at some point (we'd had one m/c prior to starting adoption). We found out I was pregnant with our youngest, 4 days after we accepted the referral for our son and daughter (and 2 1/2 years before they came home). We may or may not have one more bio child (probably not). I think it's good that you are considering waiting until your youngest is a bit older. Even though we wish our adoptions hadn't taken so long to complete, I can see how hard it would have been if we had all 3 kids come within a year of each other. Welcome to the board!
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  • I have two bio kids 16 & 17, but DH only has our DD who we adopted together.
  • Me!  We'll start the DA process in another year or two.  We had planned on starting when DD turned 2, but our plates are more full than we anticipated with these 2.  :)  Once DD is more independent we'll be able to breathe a little easier and get the ball rolling.
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  • Me! I have a bio son and a newly adopted daughter.  I'm happy to answer any questions you have.
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  • We have a bio son and are strongly considering adoption for DC#2. We're just trying to figure out if it's financially possible. Good luck!
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  • Me.  I have a 15 yr old.  Decided to adopt (fost/adopt), and then we found out that I was pregnant a few days before we got our license.

    My daughter is now 6 months old and I am pregnant again.


  • Me, too!! BTW, I'm a newbie to this board, too. DH and I have one DD and plan to try for another child when DD is at least 18 months old. I had  c/s so we want to wait the recommended time to try for a vbac. After the second child we will decide the specifics about the adoption, prepare the nursery, buy clothes, etc. When we are well prepared, we plan to adopt from a hospital in our state. We've been told that parents just leave their babies there after delivery. So any advice and explanations of terms will be appreciated.
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  • We have a DD and are having 2IF. We are thinking about becoming foster parents and continuing to try more treatments for the next year. If that fails we will be looking at adopting through our church. I mostly lurk here though...
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  • I'm also a bit of a lurker; we have one son, one on the way, and my DH has an older daughter. We plan to adopt in the future, most likely through foster. My current pregnancy will be my last, I am having a full hysterectomy done within 6 months. We want more children and would love to open our home and hearts to those who need parents. I also work in an intensive treatment foster care facility (group home) and am going into the social work side of adoption and foster placement.
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  • I lurk here but I wanted to reply because I am in the exact same situation as you with almost the same age boys!  ;) 

    I have always wanted to adopt and it wasn't hard to talk my dh into it.  AND, I have PCOS and fertility problems so getting pregnant wasn't easy by any means.  And this pregnancy has been awful on me and my body (severe hyperemesis, was hospitalized a few times already, having trouble gaining weight, still below pp weight, etc), so this needs and will be my last pregnancy. 

    I have gotten tons of information from lurking here (thanks ladies!).  I have actually gotten information packets from places and think I know who I will go through for the adoption process (not positive though, will wait and see when the time comes) Smile  I think starting to think about all the stuff now getting myself, dh and then the boys ready now will make it an easier process in a few years when we decide to start the process (at least I hope so!)

    Good luck!!

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  • we are in the same place. I lurk here, have a DS and a DD on the way. I think this may be our last pregnancy, but we are thinking we want more kids through adoption. We will make the decision for sure after DD is over a year old. But its on the radar too. 

    I figure it doesnt hurt getting info now! 

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  • we have a bio son, though we went through IVF to have him and would need to in order to have another one. We are planning to adopt the rest of our children. We are matched with a baby expected in 5-6 weeks.
    Married on 3.20.2004. It took 30 month, 2 failed adoptions and IVF for our first miracle. We have had 9 foster kids since he was born and started the domestic adoption process when he was 10 month old, we had 4 failed matches in that time. After our daughter was born we brought her home and spent 2 weeks fearing we might lose her because of complications that came up. But Praise God all went through and she is ours forever! Expecting again after IVF Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • imageCaitlinJ22:

    we are in the same place. I lurk here, have a DS and a DD on the way. I think this may be our last pregnancy, but we are thinking we want more kids through adoption. We will make the decision for sure after DD is over a year old. But its on the radar too. 

    I figure it doesnt hurt getting info now! 

    Ditto this exactly!

  • I have an almost 2 year old bio son and am adopting a baby boy from Ethiopia!
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