Its only been 2 weeks and I know I can't get newborns on a schedue just yet but hoping maybe you have some tips or advice.
I go to sleep around 1030 and twins have been fed and are sound asleep. Then, one wakes up (around 2 - 2.5 hours later) and is hungry so I feed him. then the other wakes up and I feed him. Then the first is still hungry so he starts complaining while I am still feeding the second. This scenario goes on for at least 3 hours straight (with changing dirty diapers in between too).
I dont know how to settle them better. I thought maybe they weren't getting enough breastmilk so I supplement a bit with formula but it still doesnt help completely.
Re: could use some tips or tricks on nighttime feeding...
mine did this too at this age, whether i nursed, gave bm bottle or gave formula. i don't know that they're not getting enough. their tummies are really small and they've got a lot of growing to do, so they want to eat often sometimes. i guess i'm saying, you might not want to jump to giving formula to supplement (if you are trying to bf), as the increased demand on the bb's will help your supply... and exhaust you, i'm sure. it's a balance that only you can figure out.
hang in there!
Your babies will continue to eat every 2-3 hours for the next couple weeks, Breastmilk digests in about 2 hours. Ditto pp about not using formula if you want to EBF. You may want to pump after each feeding to help build your supply...i know, the thought of adding one more thing to do seems impossible.
The first 5 weeks were REALLY tough. My DDs always seemed to be crying and hungry and I shed a lot of tears. We found that swaddling, loud white noise and the swing really helped. Our babies only slept on us or in the swing for the first couple months. Check out the DVD Happiest Baby on the Block. It was our saving grace.
I'm just going to throw my singleton experience out at you. It may give you some perspective. Emerson was on an awake/sleep pattern every two hours around the clock for the first month or so. She was exclusively formula fed.
When my H decided to put her in the swing was when we got a little relief. She slept exclusively in her swing from about two or three weeks old until 4 months. We didn't have any issues transitioning to her crib but, man, that swing really helped her start sleeping those 4 hour blocks and it was NICE!!!
My first month was a blur. All I remember doing for an entire month was nursing. They would wake up ever 2-3 hours and I can remember thinking "they can't possibly be hungry." Several times I thought it was that I wasn't making enough milk. But really that is just how the design is. Ditto pps If you want to EBF don't supplement. The more they nurse, the more milk you will make. IF you do pump after feedings to boost your supply you don't necessarily have to do it at night. But really if your babies are nursing and you're not supplementing your supply will increase on its own. As long as they're having wet diapers and gaining weight I wouldn't supplement. They are doing their job to give you more milk.
And it does get easier. Like I said the first month was a blur but now my boys eat every 4 hours during the day and one early morning feed at night (3 or 4ish). It is so much better, you just have to get through that rough stage.
What I do most nights is I only get up with one baby. I nurse that baby while also pumping the other side. That milk goes in the fridge and DH gives it to the other baby when he gets up with her. It means neither of us is usually up for hours on end, and it has the added bonus of keeping both of them used to bottles.
The other thing that helped me is being very conscious of the signs I'm sending the babies both during the day and at night. During the day, curtains are open, tv is on, and I don't necessarily try to be super quiet while they're sleeping. At night, I make sure to keep it as quiet and as dark as possible. Night is time for sleeping, not playing. It took a few days, but it really seems to help most of the time with getting the babies to eat and go back to sleep. Also, I change diapers before I feed at night so I disturb them less after they eat.
First of all, at 2 weeks you can start getting them on a schedule, the same schedule!!! I did!
Secondly, when one wakes to eat, wake the other. I would change their diapers, and then put each one in a bouncy seat and feed simultaneously by bottle; you may want to save your breastmilk/breastfeeding for daytime (or until your milk is completely in and they are taking without a hitch), and use formula at night to give yourself some rest. After I was done feeding, I would pump, but only once during the night.
Lastly, can your husband do the early morning feeding, ie the 5 am 6am feeding so you can get some sleep in? Or, maybe he can do the 10:30 p feeding so you can sleep from 8 or so until 1 or so?