...I only had ONE child at home last night!!! DS#1, DD#1 & DD#2 slept over at my parents' house. This was DD#2's first time EVER sleeping away from me & DD#1's second time ever, so it was LONG overdue! (It's not that I didn't want them to, trust me! This was the first time my mom offered to have DD#2 over there!)
And, to top it off, DS#2, who is 17 mos, slept until 8:30am today, which means I did, too! OH GLORIOUS DAY!! I cannot tell you the last time I slept in this late! They will be over there until 1pm, which gives me a little bit more time. I need to send those kids to grandma's more often! This is wonderful! Although, now I know what I have been missing... I have not had a childless night in over 6 years, since before DD#1 was born, so that will be my next goal, although with DS#2 being so young, I know it will be a while!
Re: For the first time in FOUR+ years....