
Nighttime potty training

My DS (4.5) has been night trained for almost a year.  He will stay dry every night for 2-3 months and then have accidents for about 2 weeks straight.  Has anyone experienced this?  I know he can stay dry because he does it for so long.  I am really frustrated with this and I know that I am not supposed to get upset or mad at him for accidents, but I know he can do it. 

Any advice is appreciated. 

Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)

Re: Nighttime potty training

  • Nighttime wetting has nothing to do with control.  He's probably just a heavy sleeper.  Just put him in Underjams and don't worry about it.  Or you can try waking him every few hours to potty but that would really disrupt his sleep. 
  • It has to do with his pituitary gland in his head. Normally the pituitary galnd releases a antiduiretic hormone at night that stops us from producing urine until the morning. This gland is not fully developed until age 5 in a normal child, but for some much later. Until his pituitary gland is fully developed and producing enough antidiuretic hormones there is not much you can do. This not a learned behavior, but one they have to grow into.
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