
The Phoebe Prince story makes me ill.

I feel physically ill after hearing what they did to that poor girl in the days before she killed herself. I really hope they in some way are punished for her death. 

Here is the story if you're not familiar. I'm not sure if it has made national news.   

{Ava 5.16.06} {Ella 12.29.07} {Drew 2.9.10}

Re: The Phoebe Prince story makes me ill.

  • I'm surprised they didn't charge someone with the school for not acting at all when mom went to teachers to complain.  they did absolutely NOTHING.  and then one of the moms of the accused is commenting as though her dd is an angel and she didn't put the rope around her neck.  please!  kids just being kids my a$$.  no one was that mean at my h.s. 
  • I hope to god they get their asses kiced in jail.  The freaking cowards didn't even show up for their own arraignments
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  • Awful awful, awful. This story makes me so sad, angry, and scared for the future. I have 2 daughters and to think that girls can be that cruel just kills me. Girls or anyone in general! Just really sad and scary.

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