Would you go to a birthday party on Sunday? I am looking at having to have DD #1's birthday party on a Sunday...thinking of doing it from 11:30-2. We do go to church (would miss it that day) but honestly I don't think anyone else invited does (although I'm not sure).
Also...my DD #1 has 10 kids in her nursery school class. We can't invite everyone in the class because between each kid and their siblings and parents we just don't have room at our house. At first I was just going to do a girl party because the theme is Ariel, but two of my closest mom friends have little boys in the class and I'd like to invite them. Would it be rude to invite only a few kids from the class? Two of the boys and the two other girls? I wouldn't hand out the invites at school or anything.
I seriously cannot stop fussing one way and another about this dang birthday party! If we had enough room to have everyone we totally would...but some of these kids have two or three siblings and they usually show up to parties.
Re: Birthday party question....
I don't think it's rude. It's reality.
But, does the school have a policy against it? I think DDs does.
The school has a policy against handing out invites at school if everyone, or everyone of the same gender if it's that kind of party, isn't invited.
Actually I wish I'd just gone with my first instinct to just invite the one girl that's a neighbor another little one that's a neighbor but in a different class and then the two little boys. I already told the mother of the other little girl about the party though. We were invited to her birthday and DD does like her daughter.
Sunday party is fine. I would prefer a little later, but if it works for you, nbd.
DS hasn't been to a party that had all the kids in the class invited. I think it's okay to just invite who you want if you aren't handing them out in class.