The closest Christian book stores I see online are over by northeast mall & I was hoping to find something closer. Has anyone noticed baptism gifts at other stores? I was thinking maybe Hallmark? Thanks!
Is there a Hobby Lobby or Mardels nearby? They are owned by the same person and are Christian stores. I would check out Hallmark too though if there isn't a Mardels near you.
Dx Breast Cancer 4/2012
Invasive ductal carcinoma triple negative
Currently on Taxol, start A & C in August
I went to Hobby Lobby & Hallmark today. Hallmark did have a few things, but nothing I really loved. I was hoping for something godson specific. I think I'll try Mardels. Thanks!
I recently went to Baby Bliss in Southlake Town Square and they do have a few very nice items. Bibs, baby's first bible, crosses and silver cross pacifier clips.
Re: Baptismal gifts in Keller
Married: '06 - Mom of 3 boys: '08, '11 & '14