Detroit Babies

?? about formula coupons?

My SIL just had a baby last week and is formula feeding, today she sends an email asking me to sign up on and sign up like I just had a baby so I can get the coupons for her. I guess I don't really mind doing this but question is don't they I.D. at the store when you use the coupons to see if the name matches the coupon? I am not sure, as I BF but I thought I remember a cousin mentioning this to me at one point.

Anyone know of any other problems with doing this?

Thanks for your help :)

Re: ?? about formula coupons?

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    nope- they don't ask for ID
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    Take it from me - I have seriously only paid like $40 for formula in almost 6 months. I signed up all my email addys, all my DHs and all of my family members. I also get checks from a bunch of friends in different states too.

    they don't check and they usually don't even care that they are expired so let her know not to throw them away.

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    Great tips J & R!! I will let her know.

    Thanks Renee for responding :)

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    I swapped with people on the Nest boards too. I would trade the Enfamil coupons I got in the mail for Similac ones.

    Also, whenever I saw a coupon in the Sunday circular, I would go to a coupon-clipping service and order extras so I could stack those with the $5 checks.

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