

Wth? Next time I see you here it better be with a baby! Lol. You must have one cushy uterus ... or he's afraid you'll make him help you teach body pump. ;-) Hope he gets here for you soon.

Re: Hiker!

  • Seriously.  With the tantrums that DD has been throwing lately I think he's just scared to come out because of all the screaming LOL!

    I had a NST a couple days ago and he's fine, just relaxing.

    Our new Bodypump launch is on Saturday and I'm going to go teach part of it if I'm still pregnant.  I'm going out of my skull with boredom/anticipation.  I'm finding a million little things to do, but it's getting old.

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • LOL. That could very well be. At least he should be able to sleep through some noise when he gets here.

    I'd prob. keep chillaxin too. Like I told A in her eviction notice, it's like a 5 star hotel.

    You are my idol! My lazy, non-pregnant ass can barely lift the remote w/out getting winded. Rest up girlie!


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