Have you had more than one? Before or after a successful pg?
I had one, then got pg with DD on clomid, and I am now a little over 6 wks pg. I asked dr if my m/c risk was increased. He said yes because I had had one before but there is also the fact that I have had a successful pg so he said he isn't worried. I'm trying not to worry but having trouble.
Re: if you have had a m/c
I have had three m/c. One was before having DS#1. I then went on to have DS#2 with no issues and had two m/c in between DS#2 and DS#3. My doctor was not too concerned even about my three m/c since I had 2 normal term pregnancies prior to that.
Crossing my fingers that all goes well for you!!!!
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
2 before DS, 1 between DS and DD.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
My Blog
I had a m/c between my 1st and 2nd DDs. I don't think I relaxed during my next two pregnancies until the babies were born.
Sending you positive thoughts!