
if you have had a m/c

Have you had more than one?  Before or after a successful pg?

I had one, then got pg with DD on clomid, and I am now a little over 6 wks pg.  I asked dr if my m/c risk was increased.  He said yes because I had had one before but there is also the fact that I have had a successful pg so he said he isn't worried.  I'm trying not to worry but having trouble.

Re: if you have had a m/c

  • I have had three m/c.  One was before having DS#1.  I then went on to have DS#2 with no issues and had two m/c in between DS#2 and DS#3.  My doctor was not too concerned even about my three m/c since I had 2 normal term pregnancies prior to that.  

    Crossing my fingers that all goes well for you!!!! 

    Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
  • I just want to say congrats and stay positive.
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  • I had dd then 3 mc's in a row and now I am pregnant again and even though we have a very strong hb 176 on Monday and measuring 3 days ahead I am still very, very scared. I also started to spot in my 6th week and continue to do so. I had 4 US to date with this pregnancy and have another one schedule on Wed but my OB puts my mind at ease with getting me extra US's. My OB said all my mc's were flukes and I did have the RPL (repeated pregnancy loss testing) done and all was normal. I know how scary it is and unfortunately until we hold those LO's in our arms we will continue to worry! BEST OF LUCK!
  • 2 before DS, 1 between DS and DD. 


    DS - June 2006 DD1 - November 2007 DD2 - August 2010
  • I had a m/c after Katie, immediately before I got pregnant again with Jacob.
  • I had one, before DS1.  It took us 10 cycles to get pg, then lost the baby at 11 weeks. I got pg with DS then 2 cycles later, and no m/c since...3 healthy pregnancies. 
  • Yep, I had one right before this pregnancy. My doctor never mentioned an increased risk of m/c this time.
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • m/c #1, hight risk pg with Seth, m/c #2 of twins, high risk pg with Dunan 9stillborn), and then high risk pg with this baby.
    m/c feb 07 ~ m/c twins oct 08 ~ Duncan Thomas: born to heaven 5/19/09 - m/c jan 11

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  • I m/c my first pregnancy...I've gone on to have 3 others in a row successfully.
    AKA Carol*Brady! IHO my upcoming 10yr Nestiversary--Back to old screenname. My own Marsha, Jan & Cindy... imageDesigning a Life Blog
  • I had one before DC#1, and yes, I was definitely nervous both times afterwards. I don't think I will ever NOT be nervous during any future pregnancies, either.
    Aidan Jake 7/25/08 Cooper Cole 7/27/10 Tessa Morgan 8/9/12
  • I had a m/c between my 1st and 2nd DDs.  I don't think I relaxed during my next two pregnancies until the babies were born. 

    Sending you positive thoughts!

  • I had two mc's after my second baby, and went on to have a healthy third baby.
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