
Ever have no money at the grocery check out line?

That was me last evening.  The lady in front of me is all done and I'm about to check out and realize I left the card lay on the counter.  No cc's in my bag either.

They check me out, put stuff in freezer, and I go home to get it.  I come back and they hadn't put my stuff in the freezer yet so I comment that some things could go bad quicker and they let me take a few grocery bags and get fresh items.  They take the bags for things that I was replacing.  But when I got home, I see they didn't take out everything from my cart.  And it happened to be my fat girl ice cream!  A little plus for the stress....

Re: Ever have no money at the grocery check out line?

  • Yes, I've totally done that before.  DH had to come bail me out. So, embarassing.  now I have a panic attack everytime I'm in line and search for my card about 10 times before I check out
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
  • That happened to me once.  I'd left my card home because I had cash but DH had taken it that morning.  I nearly killed him.  They just put my cart to the side though since I live about 2 minutes from the store. 

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  • Yes, and I had to go home and come back.

    Sorta related, I once paid for someone's groceries when they didn't have enough for all of it. 




    Me with my littlest.
  • I would do that too winery ~ if this point in time were different on the finances, or course. 
  • I've gotten up to the register and discovered my debit card missing, but I've always had a back-up form of payment: I almost always have a checkbook in my purse even though I rarely use it.
  • imageCleoKitty:
    I've gotten up to the register and discovered my debit card missing, but I've always had a back-up form of payment: I almost always have a checkbook in my purse even though I rarely use it.

    Ditto.  Unless I leave my entire wallet or bag somewhere, I always have other cards besides my debit card that I can use.

    In fact, the last time I did this, I had gone to the store right after we had gone out to eat.  Had I not stopped at the store, I would have never known that the server forgot to give my card back to me.  I'm sure I would have never gotten my card back had I not realized it until a couple days later.

  • I always have back up to.  But I have to confess a stupid move.  DH and I have been fighting over finances.  He sucks.  Period.  So I took things over.  Long story short, he's still trying to make decisions so I threw the books back at him saying it's his problem and I want nothing to do with the money.  That meant throwing him my cc's too.  So, that's how that happened.
  • I have done this a few times, but they never put anything away - it just sits in the cart.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
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