2nd Trimester

Who all had a wrong gender prediction at 17-20 weeks?

I posted this on my August board and someone lentioned there were other 2nd tri-ers who have been in the same boat....

We had our U/S at 17 weeks and they said "all boy", then yesterday at 21 weeks (I'm high-risk and get them every month) a different woman said "I wouldn't be so sure but we'll look for sure next time"

Just wondering who had wrong predictions and was it from boy to girl or girl to boy? I'm on pins and needles now...

Re: Who all had a wrong gender prediction at 17-20 weeks?

  • All boy at 17w3d - All boy at 23 weeks as well!
  • Ahh, I may be one of those second tri-ers you heard about. Hehe. At 17 weeks, OB said 96% "boy," at 21 week big u/s, technician showed us that she is definitely a GIRL!! Stick out tongue
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  • All girl at around 18 weeks and all BOY at around 22 weeks.
  • So glad I had the amnio, can't mess that one up.
  • So did you get two ultrasounds then? We found out at 18 weeks it was a girl...and I just assume she still is a girl!
  • imagemelroach:
    So did you get two ultrasounds then? We found out at 18 weeks it was a girl...and I just assume she still is a girl!

    How good of a view did you get? After what happened to us, I wouldn't be so confident unless I got a shot that was 100% clear. Stick out tongue

  • This is why just another reason I had the 3D u/s. Luckily LO is still a little girl.

    Now, only if people on 1st tri would believe others when we tell them not to start buying things right away, wait until later on when it can be confirmed better.

    DD {6.13.10} & DS {5.19.12}
  • I went to two docs to MAKE SURE I was
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I went to two docs to MAKE SURE I was getting t
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I went to two docs to MAKE SURE
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I got "all boy" at 12 week u/s, 14 week u/s and the amnio results also showed boy.

    My first two boys we found out just after 17 weeks. 

    Mom to Alex - 8.29.06, Foster - 1.22.09, Emily - 6.24.11 imageimageLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I went to two docs to MAKE SURE I
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I went to two docs to MAKE SURE I was getting the r
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I went to two docs to MAKE SURE I was getting the right
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I went to two docs to MAKE SURE I was getting the right information!
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • If an ultrasound tech is wrong at 17 weeks it's because they didn't get a good view. I was told by my OB that they can determine the gender at 16 weeks because the "parts" are differentiated enough by then.
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  • My favorite nurse at my dr office had an u/s at 21 weeks and they told her it was all girl.  They had a name, painted the nursery, bought everything...

    At 32 weeks she had an u/s and it was definitely a boy. 

    Mom to Alex - 8.29.06, Foster - 1.22.09, Emily - 6.24.11 imageimageLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I think they're probably only ever really wrong if they don't get a good view. My u/s tech had a perfect view, so I'm pretty confident that they're right about her being a girl!
  • I'm third tri now, but I'm one of the "wrong" ones.  Boy prediction at 16 weeks, again at 17 weeks (hospital US's).  Girl at 21 weeks and again at 28 weeks (I'm also high risk, can you tell?).  Got a good view each time, tech was "as sure as could be for the gestational age" at the two earlier ones.  Not every baby develops at exactly the same rate, there can be swelling, and obviously there's other factors like quality of the US machine.  It's rare, but possible, for inaccurate predictions to be made with a good "view" at 17 weeks.

  • JDOJDO member
    DH's cousin was told boy at 15 and 19 weeks, but told girl at 21 weeks (last week). I'm curious which is right and which is wrong.
  • I'm one of the ones you hear about. I had a wrong gender determination at 16w--I know that's earlier than what you are asking. At 16w they said boy, and 2 later ultrasounds at 19 and 21 weeks confirmed girl.
  • I got mine done at 19w 4d. it was pretty obvious, we saw 2 lines where his testicles are and his legs were spread pretty wide open to view his weenie that was sticking out between them.  i hope they weren't wrong..

  • okay, you ladies are freakin me out now! ha. we had our ultrasound at 19 weeks 2 days. and they told us girl. we saw the 3 lines that are supposed to be there if it is a girl, showing that is where the labia is. we made our tech check 3 times,ha, wanted to be sure! and she said we were having a daughter, but then she did throw in the "remember, these ultrasounds aren't always 100%" geez! i wont have any other ultrasounds unless we pay for them and we just painted the nursery pink! so, those of you that are having girls.......in your ultrasound, did you see the 3 lines determining that it is a girl?

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