
Anyone else never been called for jury duty?

I sort of want to be called for a BIG case. Get out of work for awhile. But as DH tells me, I would he the lone holdout on the jury and the trial would go on forever.

Re: Anyone else never been called for jury duty?

  • Not once.  My good friend was summoned about a week after she took her citizenship oath though.
    JMA 2/26/09-9/28/09 MMA 11/22/10
  • I will never serve again.  I served on a trial for 2 weeks about 10 years ago.  I still have nightmares about it.  Holding a gun to a two week old infants head anyone? That was only the tip of the iceburg. It was a horrible experience.  I would do anything to get out of it. 
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  • I've been called, but had to ask to be released from it.  I would actually be interested with serving as long as it was a non violent case.  I would not serve for a case with violence because I couldn't be responsible for sending someone to jail if there's any chance they're innocent so I would never give a decision.  Besides, I'd be terrified of retaliation (I'm a naturally paranoid person).  But, I am a SAHM and truly cannot afford childcare in order to serve.  I had to send in a statement that I'm the sole caretaker for children under 5 and our tax records and they released me since it was clear that we couldn't afford alternate childcare arrangements.
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  • In my 15 years of eligibility, I have never once been called.  (but now, of course, I will...)
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  • I've never been called for jury duty, and I wouldn't mind it at all. 

    Although I'm happy that I would likely never have to serve on a case regarding domestic or sexual violence since I used to work for victims in that field.

  • DH was called for the first time this month. He's 38. I, however, got called like clockwork every 2 years, and even got called in two states at the same time. WTF. But I haven't served on a jury. I wouldn't mind a 2 or 3 day trial.
    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
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