hardest.... dd- everything newborn was hard about her, difficulty sucking both breast and bottle, wt loss, jaundice, etc. she's also stubborn. does not like to be taught, wants to just do... so she's less likely to try try try... she tries , if she cannot do it, she just doesn't try again for awhile.
ds- everything 2 . he's hardheaded now and a daredevil. he's become sassy and throws fits harder than dd ever did. he's also being more difficult to PT.
1. She was always an awful napper. Would NOT nap in her bassinet/crib to save her life. (Yes we tried. Multiple times.) She would only nap in the Ergo or car. She cut out naps altogether on her second birthday. Good riddance.
2. Night terrors. Not her fault, as she doesn't even know what's happening -- but the night terrors she has now and then are sad.
3. She went through a few stages with hair washing/tooth brushing... but she's doing great with both now. But when they weren't great it was really annoying.
1. Well her being premature was by far the hardest thing. Having to leave my baby in the NICU for 7 weeks was horrible
2. she's STUBBORN. she only does things when she's good and ready and most of the time if I want her to do something she'll refuse (more along the lines of verbal development, eating, etc).
Emma - March '08 Quinn - August '11
Need help with high fat food ideas?
Chunky Monkey
DD - Sleep. The first year was a roller coaster ride. Some nights she STTN and some nights she would be up every 2 hours or be up for hours at a time. And she had to be dead asleep to be put down and still sometimes would wake up when her head hit the crib or bed.
Now it is bedtime. She still fights it, despite knowing the whole routine and what expect from her. We had two nice periods from 15 to 18 months and from 20 to 26 months when you could put her down in the crib, say good night, cover her and walk out at bedtime. Right now it is taking 15-40 minutes after the bedtime routine of rocking, back rubbing, etc. She goes down better for DH than for me and it is a royal pain to solo parent both kids at bedtime since they both need attention/help to get to sleep.
She also has a very independent personality. You never really know from day to day what she'll turn into a battle and what she'll do compliantly. You just have to ask nicely, be prepared to stand your ground and choose your battles carefully. Some things are just not worth a 20 minute tantrum...
Oh, and she still naps most days at daycare, but stopped napping at home right after her 3rd birthday. It has become movie time because mommy needs downtime and she used to take 3 hour naps...
DS - He's not a hard child. But he has only STTN maybe 10 times his whole life and we're 3 weeks from his birthday. But we have occassional nights with just 1 wake-up, so things are improving. The only thing he gets really mad about is when he wants to nurse, so the thought of night weaning him when I'm already desperately tired is not appealing. He'll sleep well someday.
Heather Margaret --- Feb '07 and Todd Eldon --- April '09
My daughter was never a good sleeper, we still can't get her to go to bed on her own. We had trouble getting her off the bottle and she just finally starting STTN again.
Oh, and DD refuses to potty train. No reward provides incentive and she totally refuses. She can do the whole routine by herself - undressing, wiping, dressing, washing hands, etc - and she sits on the potty 1-4 times a day. She just doesn't put anything IN the potty. Sigh.
Heather Margaret --- Feb '07 and Todd Eldon --- April '09
DS had a horrible first 3 months. They really were the most difficult months of his life. He was colicky and had a scream that you could hear down the street when all of the windows were shut.
Right now, the most difficult thing is just figuring out toddlerhood, I suppose.
ETA: (Since I saw Brit&Nate's post) DS goes through massive food strikes--he even did this as an infant. As a toddler it's much worse though. He can go days without eating a single thing. They can sometimes be as long as 2-3 weeks during which time he eats the most minimal amount of food he can. Although I know it's just his pattern with food and I try not to freak out, it really bothers me. He's very small as it is, so he doesn't exactly have weight to lose.
hardest - well, geez, the fact that there are three of them!
they don't share their toys, they always want what their brother has, etc, etc. i don't know if they'd be better if they weren't triplets. i think it's just because they're two.
Sleeping has always been difficult and still is, unfortunately.
Calming her down after hearing "no" or "stop!" or during a time out is HARD.
Getting her to poop on the potty is challenging.
And I'm sure this is just common to her age but getting DD to follow instructions or do something after being told once or twice is SO hard. She truly knows how to test our limits!
I've never had a period that wasn't difficult. Horrible pregnancy, crazy insane newborn, bad sleeping baby, problem toddler.
But the thing that's been consistent are the crazy mood swings. Squealing with delight, jumping up and down clapping when he's happy. And full on screaming crying five minutes later. Not a whole lot of emotions in between. I'm hoping he grows out of it one day, because an entire childhood of this will be exhausting.
Ruari - Soooo stubborn (but she comes by that honestly). She seems to get frustrated easily, even though she's a pretty laid back kid. I feel bad for her, because I can see her ready to explode when something doesn't work.
Maggie - Her sleep & eat habits are ALL over the place. Ruari was such a routine kid, but Maggie isn't (which is probably because we're on the go a lot with Ruari)
It started to get "hard" right after he turned two (about 25-26 months). He doesn't have major tantrums but he whines about everything even when he is asking a question. DRIVES.ME.BONKERS.
The other things I can think of is when he does get mad he screams "AHH!!" real short and curt and throws whatever toy he might be holding. I make him pick up the toy and go to his chair to chill out. It works but it hasn't stopped the behavior all together.
The sleep we've gotten used to. The picky eating and NON-eating, is going to be the death of me. Okay...maybe I'm being melodramatic, but it truly drives me bonkers!! Although, DS isn't aware. I try not to make it an "issue," so he has no idea how crazy it is driving me! lol.
1. She had really bad reflux as a baby (totally not her fault, of course!) which was pretty hard some days. I felt so bad when it was happening.
2. She is SO STUBBORN lately. Everything is "NO!" even when it's something she wants or likes. "Do you want to go to the park?" "NO!!!"....ten minutes later she's crying, "I WANT TO GO TO THE PARK!!"
3. She is fighting me on potty training right now.
She didn't STTN until about 9 mos, and until she stopped bfing at 14 mos, she still woke up every night at 2 to eat. Then around 18 mos we had a horrible time getting her to sleep for naps and bedtime. We were having to rock her completely to sleep (sometimes up to an hour!) and it was so frustrating!
Ever since about 22 mos, she has become a very regimented and picky eater. She won't eat any veggies other than peas...still prefers pureed fruit to most whole fruits, the only meat she will eat is chicken fingers and deli ham, and a lot of the things she used to love she won't even try anymore.
I love that she is very independent, but sometimes I just have to get out of the house quickly, and she wants to do EVERYTHING herself!!! lol ... So I am always late and that is my biggest pet peeve.
He screamed and fussed for 4 months straight after he was born. It was terrible to have a colicky baby, I had to go to therapy and I still feel PTSD-like symptoms when I hear a baby screaming.
He negotiates like he's in law school. It's never ending and exhausting. He refuses to accept my "no" answer. I know this can be a good adult life skill, but it is not acceptable in a child-parent relationship. We're working through it.
Naps have always been a struggle. Any other mom probably would've let them go without a nap if their child fought them so much. DH has deemed me the Nap Nazi. I'm okay with that.
A possibility was born the day you were born and will live as long as you live.
Honestly, he was the easiest baby aside from not STTN until he was 18mos or so, and he's still a fairly easy 2yo as far as other 2yos that I see on a regular/semi-regular basis. However, he's my kid and is proving it...opinionated, wants to negotiate everything (esp. consequences), etc.
Re: POLL: Lament! List the hardest things about your child.
hardest.... dd- everything newborn was hard about her, difficulty sucking both breast and bottle, wt loss, jaundice, etc. she's also stubborn. does not like to be taught, wants to just do... so she's less likely to try try try... she tries , if she cannot do it, she just doesn't try again for awhile.
ds- everything 2 . he's hardheaded now and a daredevil. he's become sassy and throws fits harder than dd ever did. he's also being more difficult to PT.
I've never felt DD has gotten enough sleep, even as a "sleepy" newborn.
We're buying room darkening shades for her today, as a matter of fact, to help this problem.
1. She was always an awful napper. Would NOT nap in her bassinet/crib to save her life. (Yes we tried. Multiple times.) She would only nap in the Ergo or car. She cut out naps altogether on her second birthday. Good riddance.
2. Night terrors. Not her fault, as she doesn't even know what's happening -- but the night terrors she has now and then are sad.
3. She went through a few stages with hair washing/tooth brushing... but she's doing great with both now. But when they weren't great it was really annoying.
1. Well her being premature was by far the hardest thing. Having to leave my baby in the NICU for 7 weeks was horrible
2. she's STUBBORN. she only does things when she's good and ready and most of the time if I want her to do something she'll refuse (more along the lines of verbal development, eating, etc).
Need help with high fat food ideas? Chunky Monkey
I think the attitude/stubborness. Her latest terms are:
"Momma, I dont HAVE to!" and "Don't TOUCH me!"
DD - Sleep. The first year was a roller coaster ride. Some nights she STTN and some nights she would be up every 2 hours or be up for hours at a time. And she had to be dead asleep to be put down and still sometimes would wake up when her head hit the crib or bed.
Now it is bedtime. She still fights it, despite knowing the whole routine and what expect from her. We had two nice periods from 15 to 18 months and from 20 to 26 months when you could put her down in the crib, say good night, cover her and walk out at bedtime. Right now it is taking 15-40 minutes after the bedtime routine of rocking, back rubbing, etc. She goes down better for DH than for me and it is a royal pain to solo parent both kids at bedtime since they both need attention/help to get to sleep.
She also has a very independent personality. You never really know from day to day what she'll turn into a battle and what she'll do compliantly. You just have to ask nicely, be prepared to stand your ground and choose your battles carefully. Some things are just not worth a 20 minute tantrum...
Oh, and she still naps most days at daycare, but stopped napping at home right after her 3rd birthday. It has become movie time because mommy needs downtime and she used to take 3 hour naps...
DS - He's not a hard child. But he has only STTN maybe 10 times his whole life and we're 3 weeks from his birthday. But we have occassional nights with just 1 wake-up, so things are improving. The only thing he gets really mad about is when he wants to nurse, so the thought of night weaning him when I'm already desperately tired is not appealing. He'll sleep well someday.
DS had a horrible first 3 months. They really were the most difficult months of his life. He was colicky and had a scream that you could hear down the street when all of the windows were shut.
Right now, the most difficult thing is just figuring out toddlerhood, I suppose.
ETA: (Since I saw Brit&Nate's post) DS goes through massive food strikes--he even did this as an infant. As a toddler it's much worse though. He can go days without eating a single thing. They can sometimes be as long as 2-3 weeks during which time he eats the most minimal amount of food he can. Although I know it's just his pattern with food and I try not to freak out, it really bothers me. He's very small as it is, so he doesn't exactly have weight to lose.
hardest - well, geez, the fact that there are three of them!
they don't share their toys, they always want what their brother has, etc, etc. i don't know if they'd be better if they weren't triplets. i think it's just because they're two.
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
Sleeping has always been difficult and still is, unfortunately.
Calming her down after hearing "no" or "stop!" or during a time out is HARD.
Getting her to poop on the potty is challenging.
And I'm sure this is just common to her age but getting DD to follow instructions or do something after being told once or twice is SO hard. She truly knows how to test our limits!
hands down - sleep. we still have issues with it to this day. She didn't STTN until she was 15 months old. It is still infrequent.
She has issues being picky with food, but I blame us for that.
She had reflux as a newborn and the first 8 weeks of her life were the hardest of mine.
I've never had a period that wasn't difficult. Horrible pregnancy, crazy insane newborn, bad sleeping baby, problem toddler.
But the thing that's been consistent are the crazy mood swings. Squealing with delight, jumping up and down clapping when he's happy. And full on screaming crying five minutes later. Not a whole lot of emotions in between. I'm hoping he grows out of it one day, because an entire childhood of this will be exhausting.
Ruari - Soooo stubborn (but she comes by that honestly). She seems to get frustrated easily, even though she's a pretty laid back kid. I feel bad for her, because I can see her ready to explode when something doesn't work.
Maggie - Her sleep & eat habits are ALL over the place. Ruari was such a routine kid, but Maggie isn't (which is probably because we're on the go a lot with Ruari)
Carson was an easy baby.
It started to get "hard" right after he turned two (about 25-26 months). He doesn't have major tantrums but he whines about everything even when he is asking a question. DRIVES.ME.BONKERS.
The other things I can think of is when he does get mad he screams "AHH!!" real short and curt and throws whatever toy he might be holding. I make him pick up the toy and go to his chair to chill out. It works but it hasn't stopped the behavior all together.
Crappy sleeper since day 1.
Crappy eater since he turned 15 months
The sleep we've gotten used to. The picky eating and NON-eating, is going to be the death of me. Okay...maybe I'm being melodramatic, but it truly drives me bonkers!! Although, DS isn't aware. I try not to make it an "issue," so he has no idea how crazy it is driving me! lol.
As a baby the issue was sleeping. I don't know if it was just me being a freaked out new mom, but his sleep habits used to drive me crazy.
Now its the whining and stubbornness. He can be a tough cookie and wants to be very independent. He also is easily frustrated.
1. She had really bad reflux as a baby (totally not her fault, of course!) which was pretty hard some days. I felt so bad when it was happening.
2. She is SO STUBBORN lately. Everything is "NO!" even when it's something she wants or likes. "Do you want to go to the park?" "NO!!!"....ten minutes later she's crying, "I WANT TO GO TO THE PARK!!"
3. She is fighting me on potty training right now.
She didn't STTN until about 9 mos, and until she stopped bfing at 14 mos, she still woke up every night at 2 to eat. Then around 18 mos we had a horrible time getting her to sleep for naps and bedtime. We were having to rock her completely to sleep (sometimes up to an hour!) and it was so frustrating!
Ever since about 22 mos, she has become a very regimented and picky eater. She won't eat any veggies other than peas...still prefers pureed fruit to most whole fruits, the only meat she will eat is chicken fingers and deli ham, and a lot of the things she used to love she won't even try anymore.
I love that she is very independent, but sometimes I just have to get out of the house quickly, and she wants to do EVERYTHING herself!!! lol ... So I am always late and that is my biggest pet peeve.
He screamed and fussed for 4 months straight after he was born. It was terrible to have a colicky baby, I had to go to therapy and I still feel PTSD-like symptoms when I hear a baby screaming.
He negotiates like he's in law school. It's never ending and exhausting. He refuses to accept my "no" answer. I know this can be a good adult life skill, but it is not acceptable in a child-parent relationship. We're working through it.
Naps have always been a struggle. Any other mom probably would've let them go without a nap if their child fought them so much. DH has deemed me the Nap Nazi. I'm okay with that.
A possibility was born the day you were born and will live as long as you live.
#1- Sleep!
#2- I'd say sleep but he's only 6 months so I'll give him so more time. He's not a great eater.
Honestly, he was the easiest baby aside from not STTN until he was 18mos or so, and he's still a fairly easy 2yo as far as other 2yos that I see on a regular/semi-regular basis. However, he's my kid and is proving it...opinionated, wants to negotiate everything (esp. consequences), etc.