

About a week and a half ago, I woke up COVERED in tiny, HORRENDOUSLY itchy bumps.  They were like little tiny blisters (similar to what poison ivy looks like, but not poison ivy). 

I figured it was either my new vitamins that I'd been taking for about 3 days at that point--they have an Omega 3 supplement and I have a shellfish allergy, so I thought that might be doing it. 

The other thing was that, because I have a photo-sensitivity issue, I used a tanning bed twice because we went to the Bahamas last week (don't lecture me on the evils of tanning please--BELIEVE ME, I know--but because of the photo-sensitivity thing, I have to go if we are going on a "tropical" vacation before my skin has had a chance to be exposed to real sun here).

After a few days, the bumps faded and I'm fine now.  I have NO INTENTION of going tanning again . . . but do you think I should start up the vitamins?  I'm leaning more towards it being from the tanning bed, because it took a full five days after I stopped taking the vitamins for the bumps to go away--normally an allergic reaction would go away once the allergen was out of my system.

Sorry, random, I know.  I just hate to have $50 worth of vitamins go to waste and I doubt I can return them if they are open.


  • I would think it was more likely to be the vitamins but I would try them again to know for sure.  HOWEVER,  if you think it is from the omega-3 will taking the vit. make a more severe reaction? 
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