
So, ss hasn't heard from his mom in 3 weeks

Didn't even bother to call him on Easter, never mind bring him a little basket or something.  And he is at the point that he will not call her because if she isn't trying to contact him "then she must not really care all that much".  It's very sad. I know he's upset, but he tries to hide it and act like it doesn't bother him.  DH is ready to throat punch her.  Especially after she became a fan of making child support a federal mandate on facebook and she hasn't given us a cent in 6 months.  I guess she expects cs for her other kid, but forgot she has one that lives somewhere else too.

My mom's comment on Easter (keep in mind my entire family gave him baskets while none of his mothers did) was "I am sorry, but that woman is a piece of ***".  DH and I looked at her and said at the same time "Why are you sorry?  We completely agree!"

Re: So, ss hasn't heard from his mom in 3 weeks

  • That is rotten.  Regardless of how much support & love he has elsewhere (and it sounds like he has lots), that will likely him for the rest of his life.  All you can do is keep loving him & making him feel important in your lives, which it sounds like you do.  What a douche though- can you even imagine not contacting your own CHILD?!?!?!? Grrrrrrrrrrrr....
  • ugh, poor kid. What garbage she is! Are her other kids with her?
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  • Right now her other son is with her parents.  She got caught sending him to a school district she doesn't live in, so he has to stay there to remain in school. So she is free as a bird, and from what I understand actually trying to have another baby with yet another man!!
  • That is so sad. But the truth is, from what I know about your story, he is probably better off.

    I have a half sister and her Mom and my Dad got divorced when whe was about 7 years old. She moved out of state with her Mom and my Dad had limited contact. Slowly as my Dad got more visitation, they got longer and longer. Before we knew it, sister was living with Dad. The calls from her Mom got fewer and far between. Ultimately, my sister decided that her Mom was toxic and she wanted nothing to do with her if she couldn't put her daughter first. It's now been 5 years since they have spoken, and honestly, my sister is much better off without her.

    I hope that things work out for your SS and that he is ultimately able to find peace with the situation.

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  • All she's doing it proving more and more that you and your SS did the right thing.  It sucks.  It hurts.  It's selfish.  But from what you have told us about everything, it's also exactly what I expected her to do.  All you can do now is make SS's new life as stable and happy as you can and try to stop expecting that hobag to step up and be a mom, because she never will.

    *hugs* to you guys.

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