
Severe constipation

OH MY GOD! I was on the bowl yesterday for like 3 hrs and nothing...just pain pain and more pain. Took a few senakot's (they are apparently all natural) and woke up at 3am with more pain..still nothing. Got up this morning and still nothing.

I saw on that colace is not good. Any other suggestions for a quick fix? I'm dying over here!!

Thanks :)

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Re: Severe constipation

  • colace is completely safe.  I had it when I was in the hospital on bed rest.  Twice a day, actually.  They put all their pregnant ladies on it.

    Miralax is also fine.

  • My doc recommneded colace.  I take the generic version from walgreen's regularly.

    Senekot has never cut it for me.

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  • My OB also ok'd Colace. It's always done the trick for me. A few of my friends who've had more severe constipation have recommended glycerine suppositories.

  • Sounds like these other ladies have suggestions for your current situation, but I've been drinking prune juice in my morning smoothie since my first couple weeks pregnant when I was constipated all. the. time. 

    Once you get past this, I'd recommend drinking it regularly to help keep things normal.  It's actually pretty tastey. Smile

    Good luck!

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  • My OB also OKd colace, and now I'm also taking metamecil (sp?) tablets and I drink lots and lots and lots of water.  Like over 100oz a day. 

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  • If you want to try something natural - try Milled Flax seed.  I get mine at our local super market.

    It's powerful.  It even tells you on the box to start out using it slowly.

    But the great thing is you can add it to almost any type of food you are eating.

    I add it to yogurt, oatmeal, cerel etc...

    It works for me within about 20-30 minutes.

    The best part is you can use a little each day to help and it is pretty good for you.

  • I feel your pain.  I finally resorted to Glycerin suppositories.  It doesn't have a huge result (not to be gross), but it does help me. 

    I puke a ton, and water makes me really I'm very dehydrated.  I sit for so long, my husband comes in to check on me every 20 or 30 minutes.  Embarrassed

    TTC for 12 years. m/c 2009. BFP on New Year's 2010. Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Actually senokat (sp) is not good when pregnant....nor really at all per my GI doc. Miralax works wonders for me and is ok to use when pregnant per my high risk doctor who's DH is a GI doc.....
  • Miralax will change your life! My doc highly recommends it. It takes a couple of days to work into your system but it really does help. Before I tried it, I was resorting to stool softeners, Benefiber, suppositories and once even had to do milk of mag - nothing helped. The good thing about Miralax is that it dissolves really well into any liquid and doesn't taste gross like Benefiber. I drink it in water or milk and you can't even tell.
  • Thank you ladies! I called my OB and told them i think i am impacted. She ok'd the dulcolax suppositories and if they didn't work to try an enema. Thankfully the enema worked. Not well but it worked to where i am now comfortable. If i was impacted i prob would have to go to the ER.

    I don't drink alot of water due to morning sickness so i know i'm not getting enough fluids or fiber. Plus i'm taking zofran which causes constipation. Ack!! It's from all ends!!! lol....

    Now i am def going to take a stool softener. Maybe i'll try the miralax! Thank you so much ladies!!!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I've been suffering also and am taking zofran too. Apparently it is very constipating!  I've been having success with miralax and peri-colace.  I certainly feel your pain!!!
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