
Lots of PG dreams...

DH and I are finished having biological children.  My body doesn't carry babies well.  I've got the Paragard right now, and DH will be getting a vasectomy later this year.

In the past two weeks, I've had eight dreams that I'm pregnant.  I've gone (systematically) through all the early stages: being late, taking the test, telling DH, first DR appt (two heartbeats), First U/S (twins), telling the family, Big US, having the babies (they were Asian...DH and I are not).

Tonight, I had dinner with my two best friends.  Hadn't told anyone about the dreams.  I told them that I was a day late this month, and it freaked me out.

BF #1: "But you started, right?"
Me: "Yeah, this morning."
BF #2: "Oh good!  Because I had a dream that you were pregnant and you were really upset and I was consoling you..."

Weird.  I had a couple of PG dreams with each of my pregnancies, but no more than three (with DD).  I'm pretty sure it's just because I'm ready to start fostering or start our adoption process, but my friend freaked me out when she said she had a dream recently, too...

(I know this is random, but I can't sleep...  Sorry.)

January TTGP Siggy Challenge: Workout Fails
Love: 2005
DD: 2007 
DS: 2008
TTC #3 since 11/2014
For the Chart Stalkers: My Chart
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