
Stupid Bath Question.

How long does your LO spend in the tub?  We've been having to do a bath everyday after she eats her solids.. so we do dinner (solids) at 7:00, a bath, a bottle and then sleep.  She's usually out by 8:30 or 9:00pm.  I don't really keep track of how long she's in the tub.  I take her out when either I'm done with it or she's over it.  

Tonight she had a long bath, and when I was drying her off, I noticed that her feet were wrinkled for the first time.  Then I figured out she was in the tub for like 30 minutes.  She's just "found" her tub toys and will sit up and play with them.  

What is your normal weekly bath schedule like??  We use to do a bath every 2 - 3 days.  We don't scrub/soap her everyday, it's too dry here to even think about that.. it's more like every 3 days.  

Re: Stupid Bath Question.

  • We bathed every other day for the first 2 months and have bathed every day since then. Our night time routine is bath bottle book. Usually he's in the tub for about 15 minutes; sometimes he's in there for more like 25 if he's having a great time (he loves his baths). If he's super tired, it'll be a quick 5 minute one. We do use soap and shampoo every night and haven't had a problem but it's super humid here.
  • Robbie has some dry skin issues and a LOT of dry scalp issues, so I can't bathe him much.

    He gets a bath 3x/week. I only wash his hair once (i just rinse it with water the other 2 times.)

    On his bath days, though.. probably an average of 20 minutes. He likes to play.

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  • Our baths are only like 5-10 minutes.  They get one every night and it's a struggle to keep them safe so... as soon as they are washed up they are out.  If they would sit and play I'd let them for awhile, but they spend the whole time trying to get to the other side, pushing each other, running around.  It's craziness.


  • We do every other day and it lasts about 10 min tops.  Sometimes his feet get wrinkled just from that amount of time though.
  • My girls are 11 months and would spend all night in the tub if we let them... Since there are two of them and we're busy (!) we usually yank them out of there at around the 10 min point.  When we start giving them baths together, we'll probably let them play a bit longer. :)
    We do baths every night to get the poop and food and scuzzy stuff off of them.. hairwash every other night.
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