
Feeding schedule how did you do it?

I have twin newborns and my Dh just went back to work. It is exhausting taking care of them during the day by myself. I do not have family close by. I am wondering how others handled the feedings every 3 hours if your DH went back to work. I am bottle feeding formula.

Some days are better than others of course. Right now we are both doing the  9pm 12 am and 3 am feedings and 6 am feedings. I also do the 9am,  noon and 3 pm feedings. I need to sleep more!

Just trying to figure out which ones to do and not do for each of us. Dh has leaves for work at 8 am and returns 6 pm if I am lucky.

Also if anyone has any tips for anything I will take it.!


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Re: Feeding schedule how did you do it?

  • Some MoMs have luck with one parent taking the 9-1am and the other 1-6am, basically splitting the night feedings so each of you both get a bigger chunk of sleep.
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  • It IS exhausting taking care of newborn twins.  Give yourself a break whenever you can.  Try to sleep when they sleep during the day, though that's easier said than done.  I very rarely do that bc there's so much to do around the house.  But you certainly should. 

    At the very beginning I would try and feed one then the other.  And if one cries while the other is being fed, so be it.  Crying for the little amount oftime it takes to feed the other one will not hurt them and it will probably be harder for you than them.  I know some poeple put their LO's in bouncy seats to tandem feed them, but I tried that once and Both kids spit most of what they ate up, even after being burped well.  Now I can feed them both at the same time with one propped up on a boppy and the other in my lap, but that didn't work at the beginning. 

    As far as night feedings, I think DH and I are in the minority.  We divide and conquer.  He takes our son (who is the better sleeper) and I take DD.  They've dropped a feeding at this point, which helps.  It does get better, I promise.


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  • My husband won't help me and even sleeps in the other room.  I do it 100% by myself and they still eat every 3 hours round the clock.  There is no answer except to just survive.  I tell myself every day there will come a day when they sleep longer.  I don't know any adults who wake every 3 hours to eat so I feel I'm guaranteed that some day I will feel human again... but not yet.
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