Hi mommies. I am sitting in my hospital bed on bedrest hoping for the best as I write this. My membranes ruptured prematurely yesturday and even though I am not contracting and baby doesn't look like he's in distress everyone is preparing me for the possibility of delivery soon. I am so scared for my child and just looking for some encouragement. Please share your positive stories/experiences.
Re: Moms of babies born at 32 weeks?
My baby boy came at 32 weeks. The everyone in the NICU has been AMAZING. He was a very sick baby (had Hydrops and Mirror Syndrome) and I had severe pre-e (on the verge of being HELLP). He has been such a fighter and we're looking to bring him home by the end of this week. If they decide he needs to come sooner rather than later try not to worry too much. There are amazing things that they can do with these babies.
I may be new to all of this but I plan on taking it one day at a time and love my little man more and more each day.
Good luck to you and your baby!
DD was born at 32w3d. I was able to get both rounds of steroid shots thankfully. DD was only on CPAP for one hour after birth to keep the positive pressure in her lungs (I was on a magnesium sulfate drip which made her lazy), and then was on caffeine for 7 days. She spent 22 days in the NICU. She had no big issues, just had to learn to feed properly and grow (termed a Feeder/Grower in the hospital). She came home at just about 4 1/2 lbs.
GL! I hope you are able to keep your LO in there a while longer!!!
Hang in there! My membranes ruptured at 29 weeks and I didn't go into labor for 13 days -- so maybe you'll make it to 34 (which is when most docs induce if your membranes are ruptured.
My son was born at 31 weeks even -- he spent 31 days in the NICU, and after the first couple of days, was literally just growing and learning how to eat. He was breathing on his own when he was born but was intubated briefly (12 hours or so) to let him rest up. He's 15 months now and doing great.
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10
My DD's were born at 31w 4d. They were in the NICU for 49 days and 65 days but only as grower feeders. They had no health or developmental problems. I had HELLP and was in the hospital from 28 wks on. They are completely normal, happy healthy babies now. We couldn't be more blessed. GL. Thoughts and prayers are with you.
Babies born at 32 weeks usually do VERY well. My dd was born at 31w6d and spent 31 days in the nicu basically learning how to suck/swallow and hold her temp. Your probably have been given the steroid shot (that is a miracle drug!!), and while your baby will be small, chances are that you won't have to deal with major breathing issues.
DD was born at 2lbs 15oz (she was also iugr) and is now a healthy 7 month old at 14 lbs and hitting all of her adjusted milestones and MOST of her birth age milestones.
It is so scary, but 32 weeks is a great milestone! Hang in there, momma!
DD was born at 33 weeks weighing only 2lbs. 15ozs. due to severe pre-e and IUGR. She stayed 23 days in the NICU and was just labeled a feeder/grower even for her tiny size.
As you can see in my siggie she is a vibrant, active, 2 year old and doing perfectly. We had our bumps along the road, but nothing that slowed us down. Just know that being on bedrest is the BEST thing for your child right now. Get as much rest as you can and stay positive. Good luck!
Katie: 1/16/08 2lbs. 15oz.
Abby & Emily: 12/31/10 6lbs. 2oz. & 5lbs. 7oz.
Mine were born a few days short of 32 weeks and did wonderful in the NICU. My son was there 3 1/2 weeks and my daughter 7 1/2 weeks. Both were feeders and growers. My daughter had feeding issues (would forget to swallow or breathe) so she was there a little longer while she grew out of this prematurity. I had the steroid shots. My babies were just on oxygen and they were mostly breathing room air from the beginning. Off oxygen within the first week.
Your babies will do great. Keep your chin up and stay positive. Best of luck to you!
I wish you the best of luck, I hung in there due to pProm for 7 weeks and 2 days, and our LO was actually born today at 33 W 1 D and so far she's doing great. We had 2 rounds of steroid shots. Just rest up and do what the doctors say and hopefully you can make it to 34 weeks! We had planned on being induced a week from today, but Mallory had ideas on coming out sooner, but thankfully she stuck it out in the oven for quite a while.
My blog link in my siggy lays out my time in the hospital with pProm if you are interested and my above posting about Mallory arriving today talks about my super quick and unexpected delivery this morning.
Hang in there, you can do it, many people with pProm make it a good long while after their water breaks!
I know how scarry this is. I was admitted at 31w6d for contractions. That was my second admission to the hosptial. The week before I was admitted for the same thing and given one round of steroid shots.
At 32 weeks I was laying flat in the hospital bed crying all day. I was so scared. That night they delievered my little man, William, by emergency c-section because he was breach. He did awesome. He didn't even need oxygen after he was born. They just put it on him to help not stress his body.
Will did fabulous. He spent 3 weeks in the NICU for feeding and body temp issues. He has been home for 2 days now and so far he is doing so fabulous. 32 weeks isn't ideal but it isn't bad either. The hosptials have great things to assist these miricle children.
You will be in my prayers.
Hey there,
You're in good hands... the hospital is the best place to be! I know it's rough, but keep positive.
My 32-weeker was born almost 2 years ago. She was 3 lbs., 14.5 oz and 17.5" long. I had a really uneventful induction and vaginal delivery. (I had pre-eclampsia.)
She stayed in the NICU about a month and then came home to live with us. She had a pretty good case of jaundice but other than had, not any other notable problems. She had always been breathing on her own, no gut problems, etc.
Today, at 23 months old, she's incredible... 35" tall, 30 lbs.--totally caught up in height and weight. She's talking up a storm, saying sentences, playing pretend, running around the yard, hugging on the dogs. She's awesome and we love her.