
Outdoor toy/play help for babies (7-12 mos)

I'm looking for some good outdoor activities for the babies for the summer...maybe a covered PNP or tent?  We really have zero shade other than what the wooden playset creates.  Any recs?  

Or, any toys that will entertain them and keep the off the ground....we have a jumperoo and exersaucer, but I'm not sure I want to drag them in/out every night (fabric seats on both - I'm looking for weather proof stuff).  We have baby swings, but currently no place for them as the older two's swings are being used.  


Re: Outdoor toy/play help for babies (7-12 mos)

  • DD would hang out in the stroller well, otherwise, in a swing (put it up and down about a million times last summer). I would usually thrown down a blanket, and plop her in the middle. If you don't have shade, consider an umbrella. She was happy to play with balls, cars, and small push toys. She also really loved watching bubbles.

  • We have a water table that my 9 month old stood at yesterday and played at for awhile.  It is shaded  because it has an umbrella.  It is a Step 2 brand.

    Depends on if they crawl or not and will or won't crawl outside.  My DS doesn't like the feeling of the grass on his hands, so he won't crawl anywhere.  He loves playing with big balls or his regular toys on a blanket.

    Jill * Married to Steven 11/9/03 * DS Samuel 4/4/05* DS #2 Jeffrey 6/13/2009
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