So I think I overdid it yesterday. Of course it's a holiday, so there's all this WONDERFUL holiday food to pig out on and I was up a lot more than I usually am. I'm sure my sodium intake was pretty awful. We got home at about 7pm last night and my ankles were HUGE! When I walked I could feel the fluid sloshing around. I sat in the recliner, propped my feet up on pillows, but then, I noticed my ears were ringing, and they wouldn't stop. I had DH help me take my BP, 140/90...great. I decided to relax a little while longer and take it again, 130/90. Then I moved to the couch and laid on my left side for awhile, that did help the ringing in my ears stop, BP down to 126/86.
Fast forward to this morning. I had my normal NST/BPP appointment at 10am. Both girls passed the NST and BPP well. I told the nurse about last night, so she had me do a urine sample...2-3+ protein in my urine. My BP was only 122/82, not horrible, but my feet were looking awful and I had only been up for like 1.5 hours. Sheesh. So the nurse was going to talk to the doc when he got out of surgery today and she'll call me back with what he says.
I'm wondering what he'll say? Will he send me to induce tonight based on the findings? Make me take my BP daily and call it up to them? I'm not sure and it's kinda scaring the crap out of me!
Oh, and my acrobatic Baby B (who has been head down for the last two weeks) is now breech! ARGH!!!
Ok, vent over.
Re: Ugh, Update on me
I have an acrobat to in baby b- vertex, breech, head down, he loves them all!
I'll be thinking of you!
Sorry about the feet. Holiday food is so good/bad, isn't it? The plus side is you're doing great on keeping them cooking this long. Even if you induce tonight, almost 37 weeks is awesome!
Good luck, and keep taking care of yourself.
Good luck! If it makes you feel better when I went into labor Baby B was head down and during my c/sec 13 hours later they found he'd flipped breech.
They'll keep flipping right up till the end.
Sounds like me at almost 37 weeks - my dr. induced me at 37 weeks and both babies were healthy and no NICU time... maybe it's time to meet your beautiful little ones
Whatever happens, good luck!