What do you all recommend for a double stroller? I am hoping to find something that can have an infant seat snap in on one side for the early months, and then converts to just two seats. I don't care about side-by-side vs. front to back. I am hoping for something for around town - I love the BOB (I have a Revolution right now) but I want something a little smaller/lighter than a Double BOB if that is possible.
Money isn't an object for the purpose of this poll...
Re: double stroller recommendations?
I am expecting my second in Nov. That said, my DS will be 15 months old. So I seriously thought a lot about double strollers. I wanted something that could be used for the infant right away yet could be used once the youngest was out of carrier. That said, I already have a single BOB, a bugaboo Bee and a single Maclaren. The possibility of another expensive stroller was going to be out of the question for my DH.
I tested the Kolcraft Contours Options Tandem. Hated it. It was too large, too heavy, and the seat configurations didn't 100% work.
We ended up going with a double Maclaren Twin Techno. The seats can be reclined safely for an infant. Yes I won't be able to click the carrier in, but I'm already going to be taking the 15 month old out of a carseat so what's a few more minutes going to be to take the infant out of the carrier? I justified this by saying this double will be my workhorse for a few years and size/foldability is important to me.
If money were no object I'd go for the Baby Jogger City Select with all the bells and whistles. The Phil & Ted's double seems to be popular as well.
we ordered the BJ city select. I know its expensive, but I needed something to go back to a single stroller since I am selling my other big stroller.
I looked all over, and DID NOT want a side by side. Getting around aisles in stores is not fun. I am excited about this stroller.
My 2009 Bumbleride Twin just came today and I could not have been more excited. I put it together myself in prob. 20 mins. Totally made sense. The way it drives, the canopy, the swivel or straight wheels, the colors are beautiful. Everything about this thing MAKES SENSE.
One of my daughters actually cried when we got home from our walk tonight and she had to get out.
Definitely wasn't cheap. But one of our DDs is especially small and didn't fit into some of the other strollers at all. Others just seemed cheaply made and didn't have enough support. And I didn't want her to have to be in a car seat to be in a stroller, but it is nice that our carseat fits (even though its not on the list--Britax).
Also... if you're thinking of buying a bumbleride, get one soon while the 2009s are still on sale. It'll save you quite a bit.
Ditto - I ordered mine about 2 weeks ago but it's not set to arrive until the 2nd week in May.