South Florida Babies

Monday Mommas-to-be Survery :)

Haven't done one in a couple of weeks sooo here it goes :)

How far along are you?

How big is baby?
Maternity clothes?
Weight ? Loss or Gain?

Stretch marks?

Best moment this week:

Any Movement?:

Food Cravings?:

Food Aversions?:

Belly Button in or out?

What do you miss:

What are you looking forward to:

What was the BEST part of this week?

What was the WORST part of this week?

Weekly Wisdom:

TTC #1 May/June 2008
CP 7.19.08
Dx with PCOS 3.27.09
HSG 7.15.09 = All clear
8.09 & 9.09(re-try) IUI #1/2 - Clomid 100mg Follistim 150iu Ovidrel=cancelled due to cysts
10.09 IUI #1/2 - Clomid 100mg Follistim 150iu Ovidrel Crinone 8%=BFP!
22mm Follie / 60mil & 48mil post wash counts Beta #1 (14dpiui)= 102 Beta #2 (18dpiui)= 714 12.3.09 HB 135bpm

Our baby boy was born on 7.8.10 @ 38 weeks 2 days! 2:17pm 6lbs 8oz 20" long
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 
TTC #2
HSG 2.2013 - IUI 1/2, 3/4 = BFN - Took 4 month forced break
IUI 5/6 Clomid 150mg Follistim 150iu Ovidrel ( 11 & 15 mil post wash counts) = 2ww

Re: Monday Mommas-to-be Survery :)

  • First time participating!  Huge milestone.  LOL

    How far along are you? 6 wks (ticker is off)

    How big is baby? Size of a sweetpea
    Maternity clothes? not yet, even though jeans don't fit
    Weight ? Loss or Gain?  same

    Stretch marks? none yet
    Sleep:  during wk 4, woke up several times during the night to go potty, but it has stopped for now

    Best moment this week:  Upcoming? Friday another u/s!

    Any Movement?:  Nope

    Food Cravings?:  Salty foods ... loving fries

    Food Aversions?:  too many fluids

    Belly Button in or out? In

    What do you miss:  wine

    What are you looking forward to:  Frida'y's u/s

    What was the BEST part of this week?  Spilling the beans last night to DH's family.

    What was the WORST part of this week?  The nausea that has kicked in

    Weekly Wisdom:  ???
    Milestones:  Seeing 2 sacs last week!

    -- Jackie
    "If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • How far along are you? 11 weeks

    How big is baby? According to my WTE app, a lime
    Maternity clothes? No, but lots of yoga pants
    Weight ? Loss or Gain? As of two weeks ago, I stayed the same. Haven't gotten back on the scale since.

    Stretch marks? No new ones
    Sleep: Not so good. I'm exhausted all the time and often need naps, but I've been having fitful dreams that keep me up (I had a bad dream last night about nursing and pumping that had me worried).

    Best moment this week: My mom telling me yesterday that she secretly bought the baby a gift for Easter next year.

    Any Movement?: Too early

    Food Cravings?: Milk, cooked carrots, pickles

    Food Aversions?: Lots, but often not until it's all prepared and ready to eat

    Belly Button in or out? In

    What do you miss: Energy, headache- and nausea-free days

    What are you looking forward to: More changes in my body and feeling better in the 2nd trimester

    What was the BEST part of this week? Thinking that the baby will be here next Easter!

    What was the WORST part of this week? Gagging and puking :(

    Weekly Wisdom: Sleep and rest as much as possible
    Milestones: I can feel my uterus!

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  • How far along are you? 25 weeks today :)

    How big is baby? According to about 13.5" long and 1.5lbs. Size of a rutabaga
    Maternity clothes? Not really.
    Weight ? Loss or Gain? Nope! Nothing yet.

    Stretch marks? None that I didn't already have.
    Sleep: What's that?

    Best moment this week: Working on the nursery.

    Any Movement?: All the time!

    Food Cravings?: Not really.

    Food Aversions?: Nope.

    Belly Button in or out? In.

    What do you miss: Sleeping :)

    What are you looking forward to: Seeing my family next month @ the shower!

    What was the BEST part of this week? Working on the nursery.

    What was the WORST part of this week? Getting this stupid cold I have! 

    Weekly Wisdom:
    Milestones: V-day!

    TTC #1 May/June 2008
    CP 7.19.08
    Dx with PCOS 3.27.09
    HSG 7.15.09 = All clear
    8.09 & 9.09(re-try) IUI #1/2 - Clomid 100mg Follistim 150iu Ovidrel=cancelled due to cysts
    10.09 IUI #1/2 - Clomid 100mg Follistim 150iu Ovidrel Crinone 8%=BFP!
    22mm Follie / 60mil & 48mil post wash counts Beta #1 (14dpiui)= 102 Beta #2 (18dpiui)= 714 12.3.09 HB 135bpm

    Our baby boy was born on 7.8.10 @ 38 weeks 2 days! 2:17pm 6lbs 8oz 20" long
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 
    TTC #2
    HSG 2.2013 - IUI 1/2, 3/4 = BFN - Took 4 month forced break
    IUI 5/6 Clomid 150mg Follistim 150iu Ovidrel ( 11 & 15 mil post wash counts) = 2ww
  • How far along are you? 22 weeks today

    How big is baby? ~10.5 inches
    Maternity clothes? Yes, have been for a while
    Weight ? Loss or Gain? about 9lbs

    Stretch marks? nope
    Sleep: need more of it! ha. I have a hard time getting comfy and then when I finally do, I have to get up to pee.

    Best moment this week:  having Quinn get excited about his new big boy bed because he's going to be a "big brudder."

    Any Movement?: Very active little boy

    Food Cravings?: continue to crave a DQ blizzard and haven't had one yet

    Food Aversions?: most meat and milk

    Belly Button in or out? in

    What do you miss: wine

    What are you looking forward to: painting the nursery soon

    What was the BEST part of this week? beautiful weather

    What was the WORST part of this week? hip and back pain getting worse

    Weekly Wisdom: a positive attitude works wonders
    Milestones:  in my 6th month already!

  • How far along are you? 33 weeks

    How big is baby? I'm not sure but at my 29 week appointment he was 3lbs 10oz so I'm sure he well over 4 lbs now
    Maternity clothes? just shirts and I use the bellyband of my regular pants
    Weight ? Loss or Gain? 19lbs total

    Stretch marks? LOL, yeah I have some new ones to match my old ones
    Sleep: Ha, I don't know what that is anymore. I have insomnia now and I toss and turn all night, its miserable :(

    Best moment this week: Childbirth classes start this week 

    Any Movement?: yup, a lot, I think he's having a party in there

    Food Cravings?: Anything dairy, Oranges, and Sweet tea

    Food Aversions?: Fish, I love it but the very thought of it kills my appetite

    Belly Button in or out? In but its slowly turning into a outie

    What do you miss: Sleeping on my stomach and having energy

    What are you looking forward to: Seeing my little at my u/s next week

    What was the BEST part of this week?

    What was the WORST part of this week? lack of sleep and sciatica

    Weekly Wisdom:

  • How far along are you? 8 weeks

    How big is baby? I think the size of an olive..
    Maternity clothes? Not yet, but man are my clothes tight..
    Weight ? Loss or Gain? none yet

    Stretch marks? no and if I get them on my 3rd kid..........
    Sleep:  I LOVE to sleep :)

    Best moment this week: Saw the hb last tues (not this week but close enough)

    Any Movement?:  Nope

    Food Cravings?:  Not yet

    Food Aversions?: Nope

    Belly Button in or out? In

    What do you miss:  M/S - I know sounds weird but I was deathly ill with the other 2, this one nothing (and with my miscarriage- nothing, so I would welcome as bad as it is m/s)

    What are you looking forward to:  telling my kids

    What was the BEST part of this week?  Spending time with my family

    What was the WORST part of this week? NOTHING..

    Weekly Wisdom:  hmmm its Monday, maybe I will have something tomorrow

  • How far along are you? 15w3d

    How big is baby? About the size of a Hass Avocado! But we are measuring bigger so who knows.
    Maternity clothes? Yes
    Weight ? Loss or Gain? Last time I was was only 2lbs. I think its more now. I should weigh myself, huh?

    Stretch marks? Yeah but not from this one!
    Sleep: Fine...getting up a lot too pee but that is because I drink like a fish before bed. I need to stop that.

    Best moment this week: I think I felt a kick on Friday night. There has been quite a bit of pressure here and there but no obvious kicks. That was cool. DH feels for him/her each night and now that he can feel the lump that is baby he talks to it. I love that.  

    Any Movement?:  See above.

    Food Cravings?:  No. Nothing. So wierd.

    Food Aversions?: I am not reacting well to Ceaser dressing.

    Belly Button in or out? In

    What do you miss: Margaritas!!!!

    What are you looking forward to: Right now, finding out the sex.  

    What was the BEST part of this week? Nothing pregnancy proud of my little girl who has been in panties ONLY since Saturday morning! Ahhhh! Where did my baby go?

    What was the WORST part of this week? Headaches. I get one every single day.

    Weekly Wisdom: I am not wise at the moment. Pass.
    Milestones: Cannot think of anything in addition to everything I have said already.

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  • Let me change my CRAVINGS answer: Shortbread Cookies. I have them like 2 times a week at work. I just scarfed down a little packet....and I want more!!! There were only 4 cookies in there!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • How far along are you?: 35 weeks, 1day

    How big is baby?: The size of a honeydew!
    Maternity clothes?: Yes. Mostly dresses at this point because pants make me feel constricted.
    Weight ? Loss or Gain?: Gain, but by the end of this pregnancy my midwife says I'll have only gained 10-15lbs. :)

    Stretch marks?: Can I skip this one? LOL!
    Sleep: Non-existent. I sleep for 2hrs, then pee, then wake up to reposition because my back hurts, then sleep for like an hour, then pee again...and so on.

    Best moment this week: I got to see her on the u/s on Thursday. I haven't seen her since 27 weeks! She flashed us and blew kisses! It was adorable.

    Any Movement?: Yep.

    Food Cravings?: I want an elephant ear from the fair SO BAD!! I also want a slushie...

    Food Aversions?: Red meat, like always. It's been that way my whole pregnancy.

    Belly Button in or out?: Still in!! Hubby says it's ALMOST flush though. Haha.

    What do you miss: Seeing my feet! I can't paint my own toe nails any more!

    What are you looking forward to: Meeting her in less than 5 weeks!!

    What was the BEST part of this week?: Knowing that I'm less than 2 weeks away from being full-term!

    What was the WORST part of this week?: Nothing that I can think of.

    Weekly Wisdom: Nesting helps BH contractions. :)
    Milestones: On Sunday, I will be 9 months pregnant!! O.O

  • How far along are you? 17w4d

    How big is baby? Sweet Potato!
    Maternity clothes? Not yet
    Weight ? Loss or Gain? I'm down about 10 pounds.  GO figure.

    Stretch marks? No new ones.
    Sleep: SoSo.  Lots of bathroom breaks, not sleeping very soundly.

    Best moment this week: Drs appt on Friday 

    Any Movement?:  Not yet.

    Food Cravings?:  I really dont think so. 

    Food Aversions?:   Fritos.  Gross. 

    Belly Button in or out? In

    What do you miss: McDonalds.  Trying to eat healthier. 

    What are you looking forward to: Next Drs appt.  I stress and worry, just want to make sure baby is doing well. 

    What was the BEST part of this week? Being told that Im glowing.

    What was the WORST part of this week? Headaches. (me too) and sciatic nerve pain.

    Weekly Wisdom: Wisdom?  Dont looks at me.
    Milestones: None come to mind.

    Chrissy and Jess est. 6.1.07 Baby Lena Born 8.31.10 Expecting Baby Jack - C-Section scheduled 9.14.11 image
  • How far along are you? Roughly 6 weeks. Will find out gestational age at first ultra sound on April 19th! How big is baby? According to WTE, the size of a pea.  
    Maternity clothes? Used a BeBand for my work pants last few days. Silly bloating. 
    Weight ? Loss or Gain? Gained 2lbs... but I also have been eating way more. 
     Stretch marks? Not yet ::crosses fingers::
    Sleep: Average of 8-10 hours a night. I need it.
     Best moment this week: Going to Babies R Us tonight just to look around. Yeah, we are nuts. Any Movement? Not yet. Food Cravings? Publix Subs Food Aversions? Lamb :( I love love love lamb. Only eat it once a year. Yesterday I took a bite and spit it out. Belly Button in or out? Innie! What do you miss: Feta cheese... What are you looking forward to: Ultrasound on the 19th. What was the WORST part of this week?: Fighting non-stop with my mother over my wedding dress. Weekly Wisdom: Life doesn't wait. 
    Milestones: Just getting pregnant. 
    DX stage 4 endo 4/2005 Lap #2 7/2007 Lap #3 8/2009 uterus, tubes & cul-de-sec fused. partial bowel resection. LUPRON :( Surprise BFP 4/2010 Layla Grace 11/17/2010 Surprise BFP 12/2011 - stick baby stick! THE BLOG Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • How far along are you? 9 weeks

    How big is baby? The size of a green olive
    Maternity clothes? no
    Weight ? Loss or Gain? no gain yet

    Stretch marks? none
    Sleep: not so good!

    Best moment this week: Telling our siblings!

    Any Movement?: no

    Food Cravings?: SPICY FOOD!

    Food Aversions?: some veggies, which is weird for me.  love veggies!

    Belly Button in or out? in

    What do you miss: medium rare steak

    What are you looking forward to: Level II ultrasound in two weeks

    What was the BEST part of this week? Great relaxing weekend

    What was the WORST part of this week? gag reflex is killing me!

    Weekly Wisdom: None this week!
    Milestones: 10 weeks on Friday!

  • How far along are you? 20 weeks exactly
    How big is baby? 10 1/2 oz. I think.  Roughly the size of a banana.

    Maternity clothes? Yes, and loving it.
    Weight ? Loss or Gain? + 5 lbs (hopefully I'll only gain another 5, but that's wishful thinking)
    Stretch marks?
    I've had those since I grew 6 inches in 4th grade, lol.  No new ones.
    Sleep: I've been using three pillows, no trouble sleeping though.  Unless you count getting pushed out of the bed by the dog. lol 
    Best moment this week: DH and my mom got to feel the baby move!  :)
    Any Movement?: Yes, just started a week and a half ago.  It's so fun. (please refer to "inside joke" post from last week)
    Food Cravings?: Not really, but I'll pretend I'm craving some Heath bars and Spinach Dip if it'll convince DH to go get me some. :)
    Food Aversions?: Nope, well, I haven't been too keen on steak.  But I can eat pieces of steak, just don't want to look at a big hunk of it.
    Belly Button in or out?
    What do you miss: Nothing
    What are you looking forward to: Our anatomy scan tomorrow (4/6) where we get to see our LO again (it's been 8 weeks!) and hopefully find out if we're having a boy or a girl.  SOOOOO excited.
    What was the BEST part of this week? Easter / my birthday / feeling baby move.
    What was the WORST part of this week? My back is killing me today and I had to come in to work super early.  All things considered, though, it's been a good week.
    Weekly Wisdom:
    Everytime I think about complaining (thankfully, not that often, I've been feeling terrific) I just think of how grateful I am that I get to keep this baby.  After losing one, you really appreciate everything more.
    Also: now is the only time you can get away with eating WHATEVER you want.  No one's allowed to make fun of you for your growing belly.  I quite enjoy my expanding abdomen.

    Milestones: I'm Half-Baked!!!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
  • How far along are you?  11w 4d

    How big is baby? about the size of a lime
    Maternity clothes?  Just a belly band (which doesn't really stay in place so I just wear my pants unbuttoned) and 1 cute/comfy dress from Target's maternity section.
    Weight ? Loss or Gain?  According to doc, only 1 pound since last month, but I think I had gained a few more during my first 6 weeks!

    Stretch marks? not yet
    Sleep:  Great!  Hopefully, I can squeeze in some naps this week.

    Best moment this week: It was last week, but listening to the heartbeat through the doppler at OB visit.

    Any Movement?:  Can't feel it yet.

    Food Cravings?:  salty foods, carbs, and veggies (especially, veggie wraps)

    Food Aversions?:  none so far, just the regular stuff I didn't like before pg

    Belly Button in or out?  in

    What do you miss:  champagne/wine and sushi/sashimi (the raw stuff)

    What are you looking forward to:  finding out the sex, but it's still over a month away

    What was the BEST part of this week?  The symptoms are dissipating - feeling more energized, no more nausea, and skin is improving.

    What was the WORST part of this week?  Feeling exhausted from the move and not getting enough sleep.

    Weekly Wisdom:  I'll get back to you.
    Milestones:  Almost entering 2nd trimester!

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