A: Mom, Tay bit me!
I examine her fingers and see no teeth marks. But I send Tay to her room.
T: MOM I did NOT bite my sister! I want to play cards with her and now I'm mad! I did not bite her at all.
(both have a history of telling lies...we are working on it...A lies more often.)
So I send them both to the room to figure out who is telling the truth.
T: MOM! I don't even have a flavor of her fingers in my mouth! How could I have bitten her if I can't even taste it?
A: I'm NOT lying! She bit me!
Re: who is lying?
I would do nothing.
I would probably do the "if you can't get along, get away from each other!" after saying to A, there are no bite marks...you are fine. And say to T, we do not lie. I'm not saying you are, but lying is not good.
No punishment necessary, on either side, since neither can be proved. Innocent until proven guilty in this house!
Hmm. Tough one.
I'd put them BOTH in time out together in their room and tell them they need to get their story straight and neither are coming out until they can agree on what the truth is.
This is what I did. THey share a room. THey had to sit on their own bed and figure it out. They pretty much just yelled at each other so I'd call them out one at a time and ask "did you bite Tay?" "did Tay bite you?" etc, until A. finally said "actually she didn't bite me. I forgot." SO now she's in the room, Tay is back out here, and I'm trying to figure out how to nip the lying.....
I would caution against putting them in their rooms until one of them confesses...chances are, the innocent one will rescind just to get out of their room. Proves nothing, really.