Congrats to Ms.Priss on the birth of her b/g twins on 3/28! Her Story
Congrats to BeccaLandes on the birth of her boys on 3/26! Her Story
Congrats to Inle on the birth of her GBG triplets on 3/25! Her Story
Congrats to outofcntrl82 on the birth of her boys on 3/25! Her Story
Congrats to nerwak on the birth of he b/g twins on 3/24! Her Story
Congrats to SLM05 on the birth of her triplet boys on 3/22! Her Story
Congrats to Pipigirl on the birth of her girls on 3/19! Her Story
Congrats to A_Mommy_Again_2010 on the birth of her boys on 3/18! Her Story
Congrats to CateElizabeth on the birth of her boys on 3/18! Her Story
Congrats to ChicagoKari on the birth of her b/g twins on 3/18! Her Story
Congrats to FemmeFataleNat01 on the birth of her b/g twins on 3/17! Her Story
Congrats to Nikki1007 on the birth of her b/g twins on 3/15! Her Story
Congrats to Bybo on the birth of her boys on 3/12! Her Story
Congrats to sejabernathy on the birth of her b/g twins on 3/12! Her Story
Congrats to MrsDonnelly2007 on the birth of her boys on 3/9! Her Story
Congrats to thiswillbe on the birth of her b/g twins on 3/9! Her Story
Congrats to luvie13 on the birth of her girls on 3/8! Her Story
Congrats to mdearrington on the birth of her boys on 3/1! Her Story
Congrats to TDM on the birth of her girls on 3/1! Her Story
Here's a list of all our MoM's to be in order of due date: *Please let me know if I missed anyone or if you would like to be added to the list* Thanks
3.02.10 Inky75 Boy/Girl!
3.03.10 AlexPuppy Girls! (poss c-sec 2/6)
3.05.10 CrazeyJaneyR Boys! (c-sec 2/19)
preheatedoven Boy/Girl!
3.07.10 iona76 Girls!
3.10.10 dulcinea03 Girls!
3.11.10 themathgirl Boys!
3.12.10 TDM Girls! (induc 3/1)
3.14.10 mrscarrol Girls! (c-sec 2/17)
3.15.10 meshell782 Boys!
3.21.10 ali329 Girls!
3.23.10 mdearrington Boys! (c-sec 3/1)
3.24.10 luvie13
3.27.10 thiswillbe Boy/Girl!
3.29.10 CateElizabeth Boys!
3.30.10 Bybo Boy/Boy!
4.04.10 sam681
4.07.10 allabydreams Boys! (c-sec 3/17)
nerwak Boy/Girl! (induc 3/24)
4.08.10 mamahirv Boy/Girl!
sejabernathy Boy/Girl!
4.11.10 TwoAtaTime2010 Boy/Girl!
4.13.10 outofcntrl82 Boys! (c-sec 3/25)
4.14.10 Ms. Priss Boy/Girl!
4.18.10 MrsDonnelly2007 Boys! (c-sec 4/6)
4.19.10 ChicagoKari Boy/Girl! (induc 4/7)
nygrl79 Boys! (c-sec 4/2)
4.20.10 CER+MEL Boy/Girl!
Pipigirl Girls!
4.21.10 jenkm ; Boys! (c-sec 4/7)
4.22.10 BeccaLandes Boys!
Hilarigh Surprise!
4.27.10 Robinsokj Boys! (induc 4/4)
SPerry0376 Boy/Girl!
4.28.10 Inle Girl/Boy/Girl! (c-sec 3/25)
MrsErv412 Girls!
4.29.10 FemmeFataleNat01 Boy/Girl! (induc 4/2)
LeapDayLinsey Girls!
4.30.10 Mrs LLH Boy/Girl!
5.02.10 kstjean Surprise!
5.07.10 lkerriga
5.09.10 Nikki1007 Boy/Girl(?)
A_Mommy_Again_2010 Boys!
5.12.10 sawyer918 Boys!
5.14.10 hellomynameisfabulous Girls!
5.16.10 Meagamomma2be Girls!
5.19.10 thomas&lynn
5.25.10 SouthSeasBride Boy/Girl! (c-sec 5/14)
trlvr Girls!
5.26.10 SoldiersGreenBean Boy/Girl! (c-sec 5/4)
timmy's wife Boy/Girl!
5.27.10 efhoping2010 Boy/Girl! (c-sec 5/13)
Marbear81 Boy/Girl!
SLM05 Boy/Boy/Boy!
5.30.10 JillRock96 Girls!
5.31.10 Gigi1221 Boys!
6.04.10 joeyzlovieg Girls! 6.06.10 Hibiscus2007 Boy/Boy/Girl! 6.07.10 Dec31stBride Boy/Girl! Kimmy08 Girls!
6.10.10 ryansgirl25
6.15.10 amanda31H Girls!
SarahMCH Boys!
6.18.10 Jstar Boys!
6.25.10 ttchach Girls!
6.26.10 AlishaMay Girls! (c-sec 6/8)
6.27.10 ccthatsme21 Girls!
6.30.10 rakdanit Boy/Girl!
7.01.10 galway_girl Girls!
LakeGenevaBride Boys!
7.07.10 clarku2000 Girls!
7.11.10 MrsAmyB Girl/Girl/Boy! (c-sec 6/9)
7.14.10 Aliciamomof4 Boys!
7.15.10 AppleBear Surprise!
Babya2010 Boy/Girl!
7.17.10 kaiteedidit Boy/Girl?
Purple_Butterflies Boy/Girl!
7.19.10 amcam24 Surprise!
7.29.10 kristyn&ken Boy/Girl!
7.30.10 Mikiesgirl70106 Boys!
7.31.10 Miss_Kris81
8.01.10 SerenaGrace Boys!
8.02.10 SSFaith
8.03.10 BizEB Boy/Girl!
8.05.10 angiek Boys!
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Re: MoM's to be check in Monday :):)
I'd love to be added to the list... I'm due 11/15 with twins.
I am still in the stage where I am very worried about losing one, so I can't bring myself to buy or do anything for them yet. I think once we find out (if we decide to find out) what they are then I'll start making stuff or getting things. I did start adding the u/s pics to the u/s scrapbook I made for DD.
Cut the Crap - Weight loss journey of a Few Fat Chicks