Congrats.. I am also so much bigger this time around. I can't believe the size difference in my bellies. I started both pregnancies at the same weight and have gained around the same amount both times but my stomach is very big. Just wait til you get further along you will really notice.
Congrats, hon. And yes, you're probably gonna be shocked at how much faster things happen this time around. I had 11 months between Seth's c-sec and Duncan's conception, but only 3 between Duncan's VBAC and Baby Girl's conception, and at 6 weeks......
Re: So my 2u2 is a little different
Congrats, hon. And yes, you're probably gonna be shocked at how much faster things happen this time around. I had 11 months between Seth's c-sec and Duncan's conception, but only 3 between Duncan's VBAC and Baby Girl's conception, and at 6 weeks......
So....hang in there, and all my love and prayers for a healthy pregnancy for you.
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