Do not have sex without BC, or condoms post-partum!
I am so tired of posts on 0-3, 3-6 ect with moms freaking about their periods being MIA. Make it not a possibility if it would upset the apple-cart to have another.
We did not know if it were possible to happen on our own, but would love the chance to find out! We were fine with another so soon, and that is why we had unprotected sex.
Vent over!
Re: If you do not want 2U2, or 2U1....
Sometimes BC fails....
I was the same way as you. Never dreamed that it would happen, so we did have unprotected sex, but DD#2 was welcomed with loving arms.
My friend just had an IUD fail. Her two will be 13.5 months apart (like mine). Sometimes it isn't so cut and dry.
Which IUD? I am using Mirena and cannot handle a third kid right now.
We wanted them close too! This time however we did not need fert. treatment, which was a surprise.... yet a welcome one!
I am just sick of reading the "Oh, no, where is AF posts on 0-3, 3-6, ect.