
3yo at funeral viewing?

DH's great-aunt (that was like his grandmother) just died.  DD had seen her a few times but she probably remembers the nursing home more than the person.  Don't know if they are going to have an all out funeral or just the viewing.  She was 93 or 94 and pretty much lasted longer than everyone.  Do I take DD to the viewing?  let her see the body?  I'm concerned it will freak her out/upset her.  WWYD?

Re: 3yo at funeral viewing?

  • I took my DD to her grands.  She has been to 4 viewings.  All her cousins were there.  She thought great grandmother was sleeping.
  • I think it depends on the child. I chose not to take my 3.5 year old to his great-aunt's funeral and viewing for a couple reasons - mainly, I did think it would freak him out a little bit, and secondly, he didn't know her very well. I do think it will be important for him to see and understand funerals when he's a little older, but not just yet. 
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  • At 3 yrs old, I'd avoid it if possible.

  • It's not something that I would personally do. My kids have their entire lives to deal with death and for me, personally, it is not something that I would expose them too at such a young age if at all possible. I'm not even sure at that age if I would take them for an immediate family member.
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  • No, I would not take DS to anything that has an open casket.
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  • no I wouldn't take a 3 year old to a viewing.  IMO it is inappropriate
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  • I took my 2yo, but she did not see the body. There were a lot of kids there in the lobby/outer room. Only some of the older kids went in to the viewing room.
    - Jena
  • imagekevschickee2:
    no I wouldn't take a 3 year old to a viewing.  IMO it is inappropriate

    Yes, because your the expert on inappropriate?  Whatever.  Nothing inappropriate about it.  It really boils down to what you and your family feel comfortable going.  My grandmother ask all her grandchildren to be pall bearers.  She fully expected all her small great grandchildren to come to her visitation and funeral and you know what?  We had a great time celebrating her life all together as a family, getting to see each other, catching up, Grandmother would have loved it.  If your family doesn't do it that, well goody for them, but it is not "inappropriate". 

  • imageJOEBunny:

    no I wouldn't take a 3 year old to a viewing.  IMO it is inappropriate

    Yes, because your the expert on inappropriate?  Whatever.  Nothing inappropriate about it.  It really boils down to what you and your family feel comfortable going.  My grandmother ask all her grandchildren to be pall bearers.  She fully expected all her small great grandchildren to come to her visitation and funeral and you know what?  We had a great time celebrating her life all together as a family, getting to see each other, catching up, Grandmother would have loved it.  If your family doesn't do it that, well goody for them, but it is not "inappropriate". 

    In my opinion it is inappropriate.  No that doesn't make me an expert it is just my opinion.   I don't see any reason to bring such a young child to a funeral or viewing.

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  • we brought our 3 year old to a funeral viewing last month.  We didn't take him up to the casket, but I brought him to be there for his cousins (it was their dad that passed).  He spent time with them and visited with family, then my DH took him home and I stayed to support my sister.  My DS didn't freak.  He did see the casket and just said he did not want to go over there (I had not intended to bring him up to the casket).  He had a lot of questions about death that week, but since then not much. 
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