I am being induced on Sunday and was only a fingertip dilated today. I know that the less dilated/effaced you are the tougher the induction experience. Im just hoping there are plenty of success stories out there about inductions with lack of dilation.
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Re: How dilated were you before your induction?
Wait - what happened? I thought they were going to let you wait until the 8th? Are you ok?
They are still concerned about the low weights so my MFM and OB decided to put me in tomorrow. I'm getting the foley bulb tomorrow around 4 and starting pit Monday morning.
I was dilated to "a 2 or a 3" (3 checks and they could never decide ) when I went in for my induction. I had to go in the night before to start the GBS antibiotics, so the OB gave me Cervidil at the same time. By the morning I was dilated to a 4. They started the Pitocin around 9 a.m., broke Baby A's water at 1 p.m. and the babies were out just before 9 p.m.
Good luck!
I was a finger tip dilated on my induction date. Didn't get past 2 cm (even w/ pit drip and they broke A's water) when MFM called for a c/s since B blocked A from further descending in my canal. I labored 8 hrs but had to then convert to a c/s.