Baby Names

how would you pronounce?... (poll)


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Re: how would you pronounce?... (poll)

  • When I first saw this name, I immediately thought Lucia as in St. Lucia (one of the Caribbean islands) - which is pronounced Loo-sha.  But the longer I've been acquainted with this name, I've imagined that it's supposed to be pronounced Loo-See-a.  Then I think of Ana-Lucia from Lost...
  • yeah - we'd pronouce it LOO-sha.  St. Lucia is the most glorious island on earth IMO!
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  • It is Loo-chee-ah.

    Pavarotti was Lo-chee-an-oh, this is the female version. 


    Of course, you can pronounce Mary "Mor-eye" but that doesn't mean anyone will think that on first glance. 

  • i'm with the LOST reference and would have thought Ana-Lucia, also.  That and I'm from SoCal, so when in doubt, I go with a Spanish pronunciation with names I don't know.
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  • I think of how you say St. Lucia (Loo-sha) in the Caribbean...
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  • Lou-chee-a.  But that is probably because I know someone who goes by that.  PP's brought up good points for all pronunciations with Ana-Lucia (Lou-see-a) and St. Lucia (Loo-sha).  But I would say Lou-chee-a.
  • Lu-see-ah is how it would be pronounced in Latin America or Spain.  My great grandma was from Spain and was Maria Lucia. 
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  • It depends what your background is. I only know Italian Lucias pronounced Loo-Chee-Ah
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  • Lou-chee-a. A little girl at my school is named this and pronounces it this way. 

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  • Loo-SEE-ah.

    Loo-CHEE-ah is beautiful too.

    I wouldn't have even thought to pronounce is LOO-sha like the island until it was brought up here.

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  • DEFINITELY depends on your heritage.  I think of diction of various languages, and #2 is Spanish, #3 sounds Italian.  The first one just doesn't make sense to me.
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  • I know two Lucia's and both are pronounced 'loo-sha'.
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  • imagenycitylove:
    It depends what your background is. I only know Italian Lucias pronounced Loo-Chee-Ah


    Technically, it's /chee/ in Italian, /see/ in Spanish (and I think in Portuguese, but I can't swear to that).

    Loo-sha, however, is an amalgamated mispronunciation caused by the hodge-podge historical and cultural background of that island. I live near DuBois PA. It should be pronounced Du-bwah. It's mispronounced as Du-Boyz. Now, if I name my kid DuBois Smith, I really don't have a leg to stand on if people pronounce it correctly as DuBwah and I want it to be DuBoyz.

    Not to say you can't pronounce Lucia however you want to. You can. And if the name of the island is your inspiration, that's fine. But people will pronounce it differently, and you need to be okay with that.


  • It can also be a nod to scandinavian descent (Feast of St Lucia at Christmastime) where is it Loo-CEE-ah

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