Jack has a "fussy" time around 6-8 every night. He gets so incredibly gassy and nothing works (burping, Mylicon, Gripe Water, walking with him, bouncing, etc.).
Please tell me this is something they grow out of. I hate seeing him in pain and I get so incredibly burnt out during that time.
Re: Cranky baby
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I wrote a long response and then lost it as we lost the internet connection at work. DD was really hard to put to bed at night the first 8 weeks. She was super fussy and we'd have to bounce her and feed her and what not. But it got better after that. She didn't have gas though, she would just get so over tired and be so upset from the crying that she couldn't calm herself down.
It passed after about 8 weeks or so and putting her to bed got a lot easier. Maybe look at what time he wakes up from his last nap and what time he goes to bed? At that age they usually only go about 2 hours between naps.
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Jack is not a very good napper. He takes a pretty long morning one and catnaps for the rest of the day. He is usually awake from about 4-8 when he goes down for bed. Seriously, this kid fights sleep. I have to force him to sleep/nap. By force, I mean swaddle/rocking/pacifier. Only then does he go down.
Jack Emmett born on 2/2/10 after 17 cycles and a miscarriage
Calvin Wyatt born on 1/10/12. Our surprise baby!
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I didn't believe it would pass myself, but it does. Hard to believe I know! I gave August the Symethicone every 6 hours, the gripe water every 4 hours... That seemed to help. Also, I read that you can give them a teaspoon of peppermint tea or chamomile tea. You can mix it with their bottle if he takes one or just probably squirt it in his mouth. That really seemed to help August. The evening time when they cry tends to be what they call colic. You should try researching some home remedies. It is so hard not knowing if their belly hurts, or if their gums hurt or what have you. Have you tried white noise? I bought this from Amazon and it works REALLY well!!! https://www.amazon.com/Ultrapure-White-Noise/dp/B001890IMM
It is just an MP3 and is only .89C
I have to agree with the MP3, we bought it and it was a lifesaver. In fact, we still listen to it at night even though it's no longer needed for Morgan. I don't know how we got so lucky with her, but somehow we've managed to be able to just lay her in her bed after her 10pm bottle and she falls asleep! The first 5 weeks were not that way though.. I think it was her stint in the hospital that changed her attitude
It's absolutely a normal phase. My pedi told me (at the 2 mos check-up, so after the fact) that babies are the fussiest of their lives between about 6-9 weeks. That was absolutely true for DD, who was an otherwise easy baby. Besides, until they are about 3 mos, the evening is their "witching hour" when they are just fussy and letting out some energy after the overstimulation of their day I guess.
Hang in there. Try any herbal remedies to help if you think its tummy ache.
I also agree with the white noise suggestion. You can also try Happiest Baby on the Block methods if you haven't already.
GL!! Hang in there. It gets WAY easier!