TTC after 35


Hi - I just wanted to let you know how much I really appreciate your constant support and great attitude. Your screen name is totally appropriate. You are so sweet to me and everyone else on this board.

Just had to share!!! Good luck with the beta in a couple weeks - my fingers are crossed for you.

Re: **joyfulnature**

  • Awwwwww....that is so nice! We're all here for each other, which is what makes this board so great. I certainly never would have made it through Beta Hell and subsequent m/c last fall without everyone here.

    And thank you for the good wishes. My beta is in 1 week, 2 days and 15ish hours....but who's counting? Stick out tongue

     Enjoy the weather, and as many caffeinated/alcohol laced beverages as you wish. I hope Her Royal Evilness shows up soon for you, and that you're KU before you know it.

  • I totally agree.  Joyful, you are so sweet!  You've cheered me up many times, and I'm so thankful that you hang out here. 
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