
How do you stop people from touching LO?!?

So RSV season is over for us. We took the babies on their first ever outing yesterday, to BJs. It was fine - people looked at them and smiled and said hello to them, but no one tried to touch them. This afternoon I took them to Kohl's briefly. My Nana works there so of course she wanted some of her co-workers to see them. One of the ladies reached over and grabbed their feet. I yanked the stroller back and said, "Please don't touch them!!" (Keep in mind I also had TWO signs on the stroller that said "It is okay to look, but please don't touch the baby." The woman was all, "It was just their feet." And I replied, "Well, please don't touch them at all." Apparently after we left she went and complained to my Nana about "that mother" who yelled at her. My Nana went off on her and was all, "You can't touch them! You don't have any idea what they've been through. Plus, there is a SIGN!"

 But seriously, why do people think they can just touch my babies?!?! And then think they have the right to be MAD when I tell them not too. Hmph. This is why going out gives me anxiety. The babies LOVED getting out and it was such a nice change, but the PEOPLE!!

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Re: How do you stop people from touching LO?!?

  • How rude!

    I generally don't mind if people touch their feet. Well, take that back. I MIND but am too shy to say anything, which is stupid. Those signs are nice but it seems no one notices- not the people who are going to reach out and touch them at least! I think you handled it just fine. You probably just surprised yourself and her!

    I guess you say a pre-emptive "please don't touch them" but you just have to not care if you offend people who weren't planning to.

    I would just wait and see if someone was going to reach out and just say "Oh, please don't touch them."

    You just have to prepare yourself and not be so surprised when people try, because they will try!

    BTW, I was just wondering about you and your babies, they are soooo cute!!!

    Abigail Noelle, 8.29.09
    Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
    Claire Zoe, 10.26.10

  • I generally used the "stink-eye" method, but there are those persistent few (mostly old ladies Wink ) who seem to "poo-poo" the requests that are verbal, in signage, hand gestures, etc.  In all seriousness, it gets better for both you and for the LO's.  Be strong in your conviction to protect the LO's, but know that outings won't be as stressful forever.  And, the outings are really good for everyone.  Enjoy the parts that you can and don't let stupid people ruin them for you.
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  • I carry a large knife and cut off fingers that dare touch her!


    JUST KIDDING!!! I sometimes wished. People just don't get the whole compromised immune system. Or if you have a sign, surely it does not pertain to them! Just enjoy your outings and say what you need to say. Good luck!

  • Congrats on getting out with the little ones.  I bet it felt so good.  I'm so happy for you all!

    I say it exactly how you do.  The older women are the worst.  I actually was at our children's hospital for a f/u appt. and a receptionist went to touch their face.  I snapped back the stroller and I said please don't touch them because of germs, they are premature (this is when they were still so tiny also).  The lady rolled her eyes at me and said "I'm not a germ".  She should know better, she works at the hospital.

    I take the babies to church every week.  Now people know.  But I'm sure they all think I'm nuts.  No one but family can hold the babies.  I'm the purell queen and they roll their eyes.  I've pulled them away from people and I say please don't touch.

    Keep doing it.  Let them be mad.  As your nana said, they possibly can't understand what you've been through.  You'll get a lot of rolling of the eyes.  Beware, twins are a famous attraction, strangers always want a look and watch out for the older ones that put their head in the stroller!!!

  • As soon as anyone approached I let them know what was what...and a lot of the time I wore him which prevented people from getting too close because it would have meant having to get into MY personal space which even the busiest of busy bodies generally won't do.  I mean, a stranger isn't gonna make a dive for your cleavage to get at a baby, kwim? - lol.  I'm not sure what I would have done with twins though.
  • I had DS in the peanut shell and a younger lady came up to me and asked "is that a baby in there?"  (I hate when people ask that when I am wearing the baby....i look at them like duh) anyways she reached her hand in and tried to touch him....I quickly turned my body away from her and told her "no touching please"  she said sorry and that he was so little and that was it.  so now all i say is no touching please. seems to get the point across and they are strangers so i dont care what they think
  • We only had one to worry about so we could try different things like putting him in a moby and pulling the fabric around him. My husband says he had to learn mad dodging skills....he's a SAHD. We also would leave the carseat cover on and pull the visor down in front so it would block. What comes to mind with you and using a stroller is a mosquito net or weather shield of some sort. People just don't pay attention to signs or even warnings, but a see through physical barrier might help. Just a thought.
  • Hey there!  The best thing in the world is this Don't Touch sign by

    I love this thing so much I did a post in my blog about it and I always give one for every baby shower gift I give.  They are the best things EVER.  I swear they stop determined grabby old hags dead in their tracks, parents will drag their kids away like your infant carrier contains smallpox or the black plague.  BEST THING EVER! When they outgrow their infant carrier I attached it to the canopy of the stroller so it was still there for people to see, and I always have one on either side of the stroller or on each carrier handle.

    And when that is not enough I will *** block them physically if I have to.  It does stop happening as they get bigger, sometime around the age of one year or whenever your kiddos are sitting up on their own really well and about the time they start having stranger anxiety.  

  • imagelstaylor73:

    Hey there!  The best thing in the world is this Don't Touch sign by

    I love this thing so much I did a post in my blog about it and I always give one for every baby shower gift I give.  They are the best things EVER.  I swear they stop determined grabby old hags dead in their tracks, parents will drag their kids away like your infant carrier contains smallpox or the black plague.  BEST THING EVER! When they outgrow their infant carrier I attached it to the canopy of the stroller so it was still there for people to see, and I always have one on either side of the stroller or on each carrier handle.

    And when that is not enough I will *** block them physically if I have to.  It does stop happening as they get bigger, sometime around the age of one year or whenever your kiddos are sitting up on their own really well and about the time they start having stranger anxiety.  

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