
LAWRENCE KANSAS....tell me about it?

Re: LAWRENCE KANSAS....tell me about it?

  • i am about 6 miles away - that's all you need to know. :)

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • Seriously. Just to visit or more permanent?

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
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  • College town but very family friendly.

    Great downtown.

    Liberal (lots of hippy democrats .. and i say that in the nicest way possible.;)

    I really can't say if it has an exciting night life or brings in a lot of highend entertainment but Kansas City is only about 45 minutes away.

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • All I know about Lawrence is that it is undoubtedly the most "hippy-like" and progressive part of Kansas. Don't know if that's necessarily saying much though, LOL.

    I have an old aquaintance from Lawrence who ended up being seduced by the man who drove an ice cream truck in her neighborhood (she was a teenager, he was in his 20s.) Two kids, a divorce and many years later she finally realized he was a total loser. ;-)

    So uh, yeah. Sorry. Whenever I think of Lawrence all I can think about are greasy, stinky, creepy ice cream truck operators driving slowly down the road with their music chiming along, trolling for saucy and rebellious teens. Nice image, eh? 

  • possible relocation ( so random...)


    the H told me to do some research today and see what I think...

    I am so urban it hurts- but I am itching for change and peaceful place to raise these kids I keep having...

  • the Boulder of the Plains?

    I might be into that...

    (I'll avoid Ice cream men- ever since the movie, I've been wary!)


    thanks guys! I am open to anything I think. I like the sound of the most liberal part of kansas! (lol)

  • It would be a great place to raise a family ... just don't buy any icecream ;).

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • I went to visit friends at the school a long long time ago... i thought it was hilly and lush and quite beautiful.

    But don't know about the guess is it's prob okay given it's a college town. 

  • is R9 from near there? FFG? aren't there more of you Kansasans? I love hilly and lush!!

  • Cute town, fairly liberal, good college town. I like  visiting but I did not love the time I lived there (streets are too small for the amount of traffic, schools are hit or miss). If you live in West Lawrence, good schools not as congested. It is a good place to raise a family but I don't think it is for everyone.
  • imageBrideofranken:

    is R9 from near there? FFG? aren't there more of you Kansasans? I love hilly and lush!!

    r9 and ffg are a few hrs away.

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  •  "Other than KU, there's not much happening there". a quote from my cousin who lives in Lawrence.
  • I now live about 30 min away, but I used to live in Lawrence for 2 yrs before that.  It's a fun town!  Housing costs are pretty high though compared to where I am now.
    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
  • If you want a waaayy cooler college town, come to Columbia, MO. Jayhawks suck.
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