Detroit Babies


I wasn't sure if you were still checking your old post about the decks, but here's one place to check out  A guy at work just had his deck built by them and spoke very highly of them.  I just saw the pictures today and it looks really nice. 

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Re: sashinamama

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    Thanks Renee! I'll give them a call today, we want to built one very soon and it's just a matter of finding the best price. How is your pregnancy going? Your ear doing better?
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    I know they were pretty quick with my coworker's.  They came out about a week or two after he hired them and it took them just a few days to finish. 

    The pregnancy is going well.  IT's kind of hard to believe I'm almost 10 weeks.  Yikes!  I am pretty lucky that I didn't deal with m/s with Noah and it really hasn't been a problem them time around.  The ear is also doing well.  It's all healed up, so it's nice to finally hear again.  That is one experience I hope to never have to deal with again!


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